Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

The same patriarchal power structure that oppresses and exploits girls, women, and non- binary people wreaks destruction on the natural world. Hallmarks of patriarchy such as dominance, supremacy, violence, extraction, egotism, greed, and ruthless competition fuel the climate crisis just as surely as they do inequality. Patriarchy silences, breeds contempt, fuels destructive capitalism and plays a zero-sum game. The harms are chronic, cumulative, and fundamentally planetary. Patriarchy fuels climate change, which in turn exacerbates gender-based violence, creating a vicious cycle. Many cultures view caring about environmental issues as a feminine trait but asking women to exclusively carry the burden of protecting our environment undermines progress on both the environmental and social sustainability fronts. It’s long past time to proactively challenge prevailing social norms around masculinity and encourage boys and men to work alongside women to address these critical issues that affect us all.

Climate change is not gender neutral. There is growing proof of the link between climate change and gender-based violence (GBV). Studies have shown that the propensity for GBV becomes more prevalent during and after natural disasters and uncomfortably hot temperatures. People drink more when it's hot, and so are more vulnerable to alcohol- related incidents of GBV. Exposure to extreme heat directly influences emotional control, aggression, and violent behaviour, escalating rates of interpersonal violence. Primestars and YouthStart Foundation, in partnership with corporations and other organisations, are driving a movement to help young men and boys acknowledge and redefine masculinity norms. The "What About The Boys" program gives them the tools to become more active participants in driving equality and sustainability solutions for the future.


June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine


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