Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

Here is a summary of the End GBVF Collective's key successes

01 Legislation



Support Services

Awareness Campaigns and Education

South Africa has enacted several laws to protect victims of gender-based violence. These include the Domestic Violence Act, the Sexual Offenses Act, and the Criminal Law (Sexual Offenses and Related Matters) Amendment Act. These laws aim to provide legal recourse for survivors and hold perpetrators accountable.

The government and civil society organisations in South Africa have conducted public awareness campaigns to educate the population about gender-based violence, its impact, and the importance of reporting incidents. Efforts have also been made to incorporate gender-based violence education into school curricula.

The South African government has established various support services for survivors of gender- based violence. This includes helplines, shelters, counselling services, and medical support. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil

society groups also play a crucial role in providing assistance to survivors.


Collaboration and Partnerships

South Africa has collaborated with international organisations, such as the United Nations, and regional bodies like the African Union, to address gender-based violence. Partnerships with NGOs, community organisations, and activists have been fostered to strengthen the collective response to this issue. It's important to note that while progress has been made, gender- based violence remains a significant challenge in South Africa, and further efforts are needed to fully address the issue and adhere to the ideals outlined in the Maputo Protocol.

Click here to get the Maputo Protocol document

June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine


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