Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023


GBV Prevention Through a System Strengthening Approach in Jordan

By May Laurelle Programme Manager- Magenta Consulting

Gender-based violence (GBV) remains one of the most significant issues that women and girls in Jordan face. It is driven by multiple intertwined and interconnected factors, such as limited knowledge and awareness of what constitutes domestic violence and is reinforced by a limited understanding of individual rights. Patriarchal structures and gender norms further perpetuate inequality and shape the social and intimate relationships of Jordanian women and girls, as well as the allocation of power and resources within families, communities, and society at large. Attitudes toward violence against women and girls, influenced by culture and cultural practices, reflect different ideas about gender roles and notions of femininity, purity, and masculinity. These attitudes contribute to the persistence of GBV. Harmful social norms deeply rooted in gender norms and power imbalances, both in public and private spheres, reinforce the belief in men's dominance and their right to control their family members. Although Jordan has adopted several progressive policies that theoretically ensure women's access to rights, the legal framework remains lenient, often favouring perpetrators and hindering women's access to justice. In this context, violence against women and girls continues to persist in Jordan. Our project with the American Bar Association, under their Rule of Law Initiative, takes a system strengthening approach by building the capacity of local organisations to design and implement social behavioural change communications campaigns. These campaigns aim to raise awareness about GBV and connect women and girls to response services.

Our social behavioural change communications campaigns aim to enhance understanding approaches and frameworks that enable effective communication, develop key and engaging messaging that raises awareness on GBV.


June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine

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