Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

Throughout our consultative process, it became evident that while the CSOs/CBOs wanted to explore innovative ways to communicate with their audiences, any communication activity must prioritise building and maintaining trust. To support this, we employed an experiential learning approach, engaging partners in hands-on exercises to identify behavioural insights, develop target audience profiles, and create key messages that would resonate with the intended recipients. These methods empowered partners to create content that responded to the community's needs, aiming to foster engagement and connection rather than suspicion or mistrust. As part of the learning process, we collaborated with the 9 organisations to develop an awareness-raising campaign that unified their key messages and highlighted their respective services under one umbrella campaign. Our partners expressed a desire to engage more men in discussions about domestic violence, gender roles, and power dynamics in households. However, they were uncertain about how to approach this without negatively impacting the trust and respect they had built within the community. During the workshop, we explored

approaches to engage men and boys, incorporating them into a customised

communications toolkit. This toolkit provides guidance on designing and implementing communications campaigns beyond the lifespan of the project. Recognising that addressing and preventing GBV requires sustainable and practical approaches, this project embraced a participatory approach by collaborating closely with community-rooted organisations. We worked alongside these inspiring and resourceful organisations to identify communication tools and solutions that would enhance their engagement with communities and facilitate the dissemination of critical information to women and girls at risk. Together, we continue the fight against gender- based violence in Jordan.

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June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine

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