Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

Natalie : Definitely. In our area, the first issue is that our police station, despite their efforts, is not adequately equipped to serve the entire area. We have many extensions, and I even sat down with the station commander to discuss this. We are in daily contact, and I've raised concerns about people reporting incidents and not seeing a police van arrive. The station commander explained that our area is vast, and we have around 300,000 people, but only eight vans available. So, I understand their frustrations as well. In addition, I also feel that some of the people working there lack passion for their jobs, especially male police officers who often lack compassion when dealing with female victims. We're working on addressing this issue within our police station by striving to have more female officers on the front lines, particularly at the GBV desk and the Victim Empowerment Centre (VEC). As a community, we, along with the police and civic organisations, are expressing our frustrations and finding solutions that benefit society and the police station. We hope that the police station can be extended and receive more resources, such as additional staff and vehicles, to improve the justice services we currently offer to our community.

CAM: You seem to share the values of the National Strategic Plan on GBVF, especially collaboration. GBVF is a problem that requires the involvement of society, and IMatter is bringing everyone together. It's like everyone is holding on and pulling in the same direction. You mentioned the lady in agriculture, self-development, the justice system, and organisations partnering with you to speak to the youth. That embodies the spirit of End GBVF Collective, and I commend you for that. Now, touching on the justice system, from our previous discussions, it seems to be one of the problem areas where integration is lacking despite the victims' shortcomings. Do you find that the justice system also has its own limitations?

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