Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

"Gender-Based Constraints: Homosexuality, Culture, and Religion" “Heteronormative has been defined as the enforced compliance with culturally determined heterosexual roles and assumptions about heterosexuality as ‘ natural ’ or ‘ normal ’ and that everything else is deviant”. National Strategic Plan on GBVF

The National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide adopts an inclusive approach to addressing gender-based violence. The strategy recognises the existence of gender-based constraints, which encompass forms of GBV. These constraints are defined as "disparities and inequalities faced by individuals due to differences related to their gender, perceived gender, or gender identity and/or expression. These disparities and inequalities act as barriers to self-expression, access to opportunities and services, and result in differential outcomes for individuals. When these disparities and inequalities become obstacles to utilizing services or seizing opportunities provided by health interventions, they manifest as constraints." While the strategy promotes gender inclusivity, discrimination remains prevalent towards communities that are gender non-conforming. Suhail Desai, a young gay Muslim man, grapples with the imposition of heteronormative boundaries dictated by culture and religion, which hinder his ability to access, express, and fully experience his culture and religion — thus constituting "gender-based constraints." In an interview with Collective Action Magazine, Suhail shares how his homosexuality not only brings about degradation and shame within his community but also how heteronormative values are imposed on him despite his openness about his sexuality.


June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine

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