Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

CAM: We initially had an interesting conversation about your journey as a man who has come out as openly gay despite coming from a very restrictive background. From both a cultural and religious perspective, as a Muslim, you come from a tight-knit community, and there are restrictions on expressing sexuality. Our conversation today is about gender-based constraints, which is a form of gender-based violence, and we want to unpack the impact of you coming out in this close-knit community. First, we want to know more about you and why you are openly gay as a Muslim man. Suhail: I'm excited about this interview. My name is Suhail Desai. I was born in Durban, South Africa, raised in New York City, and moved back to SA about 11 years ago, and then to Johannesburg in October last year. I studied marketing and real estate and really love what I do. I am selective about who I let into my circle because I believe friendships should influence and drive you to be better. I express myself with the types of things I wear. I never thought I would wear nail polish, but I realised that it enhances my femininity. I have learned that this is the real Suhail Desai. I have my masculine part of me because I'm a man, but I also have my feminine part, and I've been learning to embrace and appreciate it. I do not allow people to tell me who I can and cannot be. I'm caring, loving, warm-hearted, and funny. I make people laugh. I'm the life of the party, love being around my friends and making them happy. This journey I have embarked on with you, they are very proud of me. I might become emotional, so please excuse that.

the inter view


June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine

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