Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

The challenge is how to address vigilantism in a way that balances non-negotiable respect for human rights with the need to respond to pressing community order and security concerns. I agree with Mary Nel, a senior lecturer in Public Law at Stellenbosch University when she argues in her doctoral study that vigilantes may indeed be willing to abandon violent means of problem- solving sufficiently and work in partnership with a formal criminal justice system committed to addressing issues of crime and disorder in a community-responsive, inclusive, respectful, and restorative manner. Community education is therefore extremely important, as awareness-raising sessions empower communities to not tolerate GBVF and to hold perpetrators accountable. It empowers family members to speak up and send a clear message that they will not tolerate gender-based violence, permits neighbours to clearly articulate that enough is enough and that violence is not acceptable, and enables community leaders to agree on a justice system against perpetrators. Another step towards addressing this social ill is for communities to agree on norms, as norms anchor our actions and expectations of permissible behaviours in our communities. Finally, some initiatives focus on the collaboration between different stakeholders. For example, the National Strategic Plan (NSP) on GBVF brings together government, civil society, and private sector organisations to address the GBVF pandemic. It focuses on prevention, response, and support for survivors, involving a range of interventions, from awareness campaigns to service provision. GBVF is a pandemic that precedes the Covid 19 pandemic in South Africa, with communities acting, armed with the necessary resources, we can end the scourge. Community-led initiatives, education, and prevention, including collaboration between stakeholders, are just a few ways that communities are taking ownership of the problem. When working together, there is hope for a future free from GBVF in South Africa.

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June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine

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