Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

Through the eyes of a victim turned perpetrator

By Thobeka Belewa Executive Director: Kaybez Development Foundation

GBVF is not a new problem, but it has often been overlooked due to various stereotypes, such as cultural, societal, and environmental factors, as well as toxic masculinity. Unfortunately, our children have always been subjected to these harmful actions. Let's take a closer look at their journey. Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan is an industrial metro area that is home to major companies like Volkswagen, Ford Motor Company, Continental, the fishing industry, and Transnet (Harbour). Despite the presence of these companies, the metro area remains one of the poorest in South Africa, with high rates of unemployment. These circumstances contribute to a high incidence of domestic violence and substance abuse, including sexual, physical, psychological, and economic violence. Competition for these limited resources can be traced as a major contributor to these social ills.


June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine

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