Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

Since the 80s we have seen a shift in behavioural and socialisation patterns. Each decade has witnessed a decline in morality, with an escalating trend of alcohol abuse and early sexual activity. Relationships between older men (known as "blessers") and young girls have become normalized, breaking down the fabric of social norms. Consequently, children are no longer raised by communities, and teenage pregnancy, which was once taboo, has become the norm. With the breaking down of family and community support structures, we see the younger generation struggling with an identity crisis. We cannot ignore the devastating effects of unplanned parenthood, where children are conceived through rape and sexual behaviour such as orgies and or under the influence of substances. These children are often neglected, and sometimes their existence is only valued as a means to access government grants. “Ugotywa usemtsha”; Catch them whilst they are still young… Psychology teaches us that there are basic needs: food, water, air, and shelter. However, the competition for these resources creates a vicious cycle that leads to a “law of the jungle” mentality. With the escalating rate of unemployment, many homes are falling apart leaving children vulnerable and susceptible to sexual and substance abuse, and a lack of skills development amongst others.

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