Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023


By Portia van Wyk CEO and FOUNDER of Give Light

Growing up, I was a normal woman, very smart, but also very humble with good manners because that's how I was raised. I grew up in a normal Christian home, and after finishing my matric, I left my hometown to start working in Pretoria, where I met my ex-husband. In the beginning, he was wonderful and said the most romantic things, but I didn't realise it was his way of luring me into his web of control. Little did I know, this was the start of 12 years of pain and suffering. I had a well-paying job and earned a lot of money. However, after moving in together, the nightmare began. It started with a slap, followed by tearful apologies, explaining he didn't know why he did it. Naively, I believed him. The abuse escalated during my first pregnancy, again he apologized and I forgave him. Like most GBV victims, at this stage, I was unaware that I was experiencing domestic violence. He cheated frequently and fathered children with other women during our marriage. Still, I forgave him because I believed he loved me.

June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine


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