Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

I was a mess, I didn't know what to do, what would happen to my kids if I stayed? This one time he beat me up so badly, then he threatened me and told me how he would cut us up into pieces and put us in his fridge, and if my family would come look for me, he would tell them that I took the kids and left. Then I realised that I had to get away from this man. I left and came home and never looked back. How can someone be so cruel and so evil in my eyes? How can someone do this to another person? I was still so confused and didn't know how to handle this and if I should go back. After two days of being home, my friend called me and said another woman moved into my house. That was confirmation that I must just stay at home. I also decided to stay because I needed to show my kids that abuse is wrong. I had to show my son that it's not okay to hit a woman, and I had to show my daughters that it's wrong. I had to change my children's mindsets and I had to get them counselling so that they can deal with what happened in that house for years and what they have seen.

This one day my child looked at me and smiled. I asked her, “Why are you smiling?” she replied, “Because mommy you don't cry anymore, we are all happy now. There is no fighting and screaming anymore because we are happy.” That made me realise I made the right choice even though he told everyone I left him, but he never tells people why I left. Because in his eyes he didn't do anything wrong and there is nothing wrong with him. After a month I decided to file for divorce and after four months my divorce was finalised. I told my lawyer I didn't want anything from him. I had left most of our clothes behind and all my furniture. I wanted nothing except a divorce. God started picking me up and He gave me a second chance in life to share my testimony, because you never know, my story can be someone else's survival kit.

June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine


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