Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

After a few months, my friend encouraged me so much to tell my story because maybe it can save someone. I started sharing my story and that is when my real healing started. I then realised what had happened to me and my kids and what abuse is and that it is wrong to beat up a woman. I also realised the different types of abuse that like me, many women are subjected to. Then I started mastering GBVF to become a professional in this field so that I can start helping others.

I started working with an organisation called, #The Total Shutdown (TTS) movement based in Gauteng, South Africa. A year later, I started feeling much better about myself and they really helped me a lot through my recovery process. Later, I started my own organisation that deals with GBVF cases. Our mandate is to support GBV victims, by offering support services like court attendance, counselling, and what I call “rescue missions” where we assist in removing victims from abusive homes. We also empower the communities and educate them on GBVF and their rights. To this day I continue to empower myself by furthering my studies in counseling and mental health and wellness as well as psychology.


June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine

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