Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

The Interview

CAM: Thank you for allowing us to interview you. We're really excited about this Wellness Centre, Brad, share a bit about you and the centre. Brad: I'm a clinical psychologist with nine years of private practice experience since qualifying in 2013. I've been actively working in the psychedelic-assisted therapy space for the past two and a half years. I've been involved in running retreats and working with the Equanimity Wellness Centre, which we'll discuss further. When I'm not consulting, you'll find me practicing yoga, reading, spending time in nature with my partner, playing with my cats, and attempting to learn jujitsu.

There has been much controversy around the use of psychedelics for trauma treatment and healing. Much fear clouds this form of treatment mostly because there is little understanding of it. Equanimity Wellness Centre, based in Johannesburg, is one institution that has braved these waters by using ketamine, a Schedule 5 psychedelic, to treat trauma patients

CAM: That's interesting. What led you to start Equanimity?

Brad: Being a clinical psychologist for the past decade, I've witnessed first-hand the challenges people face and the limited effectiveness of traditional therapeutic approaches. Although rewarding and powerful at times, there is often frustration among practitioners, including myself, regarding the slow progress and the tendency toward relapse. It's what we call the revolving door phenomenon, where people go through cycles of improvement and regression. I wanted to explore alternative methods that could potentially offer deeper and more lasting healing experiences. This motivated me to start Equanimity.

June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine



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