Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

In the journey, he confronted this figure and had a powerful dialogue with it, expressing his anger, frustration, and asserting his right to self-compassion and acceptance. This interaction brought about a profound shift in his relationship with himself and his inner critic.


During the medicine journey, the client encountered a figure, a representation of his inner critic, which he described as this towering, menacing presence that had been tormenting him for years. He confronted this figure and had a powerful dialogue with it, expressing his anger, and frustration, and asserting his right to self- compassion and acceptance. This interaction brought about a profound shift in his relationship with himself and his inner critic. During the integration phase, which is crucial for translating the insights gained into meaningful and lasting behaviour change, we worked together to process and make sense of his experiences, exploring the symbolism and meaning behind them. We addressed the core wounds and traumas that were revealed and provided support and guidance as he navigated through the emotions that surfaced. Over time, as we continued the integration work, he noticed significant improvements in his overall well-being. He developed a greater sense of self-compassion and acceptance, letting go of the self-loathing and self-criticism that had plagued him for so long. His relationships improved as he cultivated a deeper connection with himself and others. The depression and anxiety that had weighed him down started to lift, and he experienced a newfound joy and vitality in life.

Equanimity Wellness Centre

It's important to note that this transformation didn't happen overnight. It was a gradual and ongoing process that required commitment, self-reflection, and support. Witnessing his journey from a deeply unhappy and conflicted state to a place of self- discovery and healing was truly remarkable.

June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine


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