Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

Brad : Ketamine was originally developed as an anaesthetic in the 1960s and 1970s. It is an FDA- approved medicine with an excellent safety profile. Ketamine was introduced as a safer alternative to the anaesthetic used at that time, called phencyclidine or PCP. Unlike other anaesthetics, ketamine doesn't suppress the cardiovascular system, which makes it safe for use in children and is still used in medical settings today. Its safety and effectiveness have earned it a place on the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines. In the year 2000, researchers at Yale University discovered that administering a sub-anesthetic dose of ketamine to individuals with treatment- resistant depression resulted in remarkable remission of symptoms. By sub-anesthetic dose, I mean one-tenth of the dose that might be given to a child in a hospital setting. Ketamine acts on a different neural system called the glutamate system, which plays a significant role in memory, learning, drive, and executive function. This system affects many aspects of the brain and has a broader impact than just the serotonin system targeted by traditional antidepressants. The researchers realised that by stimulating the glutamate system with ketamine, they could trigger a surge of glutamate in the brain. The results were astonishing. People who were previously suicidal and required admission to the hospital reported a complete shift in their mindsets after a 0.5mg/kg ketamine infusion. They described CAM: Okay, so your integration is custom-made. Can we discuss ketamine, which is standard? What is it, and what does it do?

Brad : It's a crucial question, and I'm glad you asked. Ketamine does have some potential for psychological addiction, particularly in recreational settings. However, it's important to note that in the clinical setting, such as at Equanimity Wellness, ketamine is administered under medical supervision, with controlled and minimal doses. The likelihood of becoming dependent on ketamine through our clinical protocols is virtually nil. We have strict guidelines to prevent individuals from receiving excessive infusions. Our goal is to provide the least number of infusions necessary for improvement and focus on sustaining healing through therapy and behaviour change. It's also worth mentioning a landmark study conducted by Professor David Nutt from Imperial College London in 2019. The study compared 22 substances for their potential for harm, including addictive potential and physiological harm. When you examine the rankings, the substances with the highest potential for harm are alcohol, crystal meth, heroin, crack cocaine, and cocaine. Interestingly, ketamine, psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, and MDMA rank at the CAM: What are the possibilities of people becoming addicted to or dependent on ketamine? bottom, even below cannabis. Our perception of ketamine may have been distorted by the recreational scene, where unregulated doses and mixing with other substances occur. The quality of ketamine used recreationally is often not medical grade, and the environment is not suitable. Under those conditions, any substance can become harmful.

feeling like they ‘had a new brain,’ even experiencing colours more vividly. This

breakthrough in depression treatment was hailed as the most significant advancement in 50 years.

However, there was one catch. The benefits of ketamine started to fade after 7 to 12 days. To maximize the potential of ketamine treatment, proper integration therapy is crucial. Cognitive- behavioural therapy (CBT) and structured programs for habit change are essential during this window of opportunity created by ketamine. With the right therapy and changed habits, the benefits can last for months. Maintenance infusions every six months, along with therapy and behaviour change, help sustain the healing process.

CAM: How accessible is ketamine?

Brad: Ketamine is classified as a Schedule 5 drug in America, which means it can only be accessed by medical professionals. It is not legal for possession and use by the general public. Ketamine can only be administered by qualified medical professionals.

June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine


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