Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

Brad : The best way to reach us is via our website at, or by contacting our Head of Operations, Gina Fainman, at CAM: Absolutely. Our nation is dealing with significant trauma, so there's much work to be done. Wishing you all the best. Thank you for allowing us to interview you. How can we contact you? Fortunately, some medical aids currently cover ketamine treatment under specific plans, making it more accessible and manageable for people. Our long-term goal is to find ways to make it even more accessible and affordable. It aligns with our mission at Equanimity, which is to reduce unnecessary suffering in the world by engaging in purpose-driven work and leaving this reality a little better than we found it. If we can achieve greater accessibility over time, it would be a source of great fulfillment.

Brad : We have done our best to make our interventions as cost-effective and accessible as possible. Unfortunately, the treatment is relatively expensive, with an infusion costing R3200. However, we have bundled it with integration therapy. In other settings, you would need to go for the infusion and then find your own therapist, paying an additional R1500 for a therapy session. To make it more manageable, we have packaged everything together for R3200, including the journey, preparation, intention setting, and integration therapy. CAM: It's important to understand that it's just a tool, not a remedy or solution. It's a critical piece of the puzzle. I think that's essential for our listeners and readers to grasp. As we conclude, I would like to know how accessible your interventions are.

The full interview is available on our YouTube channel @collectiveactionmagazine (link:

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June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine


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