Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

Note from the Editor In Chief


Dear Reader

This unique and special edition is dedicated to healing from the trauma of GBV. We have included voices from women, children, men, and the LGBTQIA+ Community. We had the pleasure of interviewing Hungani Ndlovu who opens up about his experience with domestic violence and his healing journey and now lives a full, thriving life. Suhail Desai candidly talks about how his decision to live openly as a gay Muslim man has resulted in him being ostracized from his faith community. Every edition is exciting for us because there is always something new and we certainly haven’t let you down in this issue. We are pleased to announce that Collective Action Magazine has become borderless! Our mandate to answer the question “What is being done to address GBVF"? has echoed beyond the borders of South Africa. We are thrilled to announce that this edition includes three sections that cover; South Africa, Africa and the Middle East, bringing together a larger global community of actors. In these sections we showcase submissions from South Africa, Chad, Nigeria, The DRC, Jordan and Zimbabwe. efore I get lost in this exciting edition, I would like to thank you for choosing to read Collective Action Magazine. You, the reader, and those who are dedicated to ending GBVF are the fuel that keeps us going. B We often focus on healing from the physical violence, but we neglect the invisible wound "emotional trauma". We speak with Nomfundo Mogapi who is an expert in psychological trauma and trauma healing approaches. Her enlightenment in this topic enabled us to explore some healing techniques that we share in this edition. We consulted far and wide with various survivors and healing practitioners (individuals and institutions that are dedicated to trauma healing). These include self-help healing techniques highlighted by Natalie Abrahams in her interview where she recognised the cause of trauma and made a decision to uproot it by ending the cycle. Dr. Zamantshali Dlamini, shares how self healers crack the code through the power of their own voice, determination and resistance. We explored healing through “shadow work”and “spirituality” with Amogelang Pila- Ditlhale and her team which involves accepting Self wholly and delving into the spirit being. Still controversial is the use of psychedelics as a healing modality. Brad Kallenbach and his team have braved these waters through psychedelic-assisted therapy which supported by research can lead to long-lasting positive changes in individuals.







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