Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

Aligned with South Africa's National Strategic Plan on GBVF, the TEARS Foundation is taking action now to change the tide of sexual violence and abuse in South Africa across all sectors of society, making a meaningful impact on vulnerable communities throughout the country. With a well-established operational platform and many years of experience, we are eager to aid those who are uncertain about the next steps toward healing and/or justice. We provide assistance through our free, 24/7 Help at Your Fingertips® (*134*7355#) USSD mobile phone platform, where victims of abuse can receive support without shame or fear of not being believed. In addition to crisis intervention services, as part of our holistic approach to ending SGBVF, we are excited about our new venture that aims to educate South Africa's youth about the consequences of sexual violence and abuse. We understand that we cannot expect to change attitudes and behaviours associated with Sexual Gender- based Violence and Femicide without addressing the difficult questions that young people are desperate to have answered.

TEARS is one of many non-profit organisations that play an increasingly important and evolving role in public administration and development. In a developing country like South Africa, NPOs and NGOs fill the gap where the government fails to fulfil social contracts. However, we face increasing challenges in obtaining support to address the areas of greatest need. SGBVF remains a life- threatening issue, and while it may have received more attention in recent years, it remains one of the least supported causes compared to climate change and wildlife conservation. At the TEARS Foundation, we recognise that the key to preventing SGBVF lies in a strong commitment to survivor- centred support and gender equality. This includes addressing the root causes of violence, raising awareness of the problem and its impact, and improving services for survivors of SGBV and the families of femicide victims. By providing free services and education, we can make an impact on the wider community.

When Mara sought help at a police station on a Friday, she was told to return on Monday as no one was available to assist her at that time. She never went back. Years later, after her healing process, she started the TEARS Foundation with the determination that no person should ever find themselves in a situation like hers without assistance. Founded in 2012 by Mara Glennie, a survivor of intimate partner violence, the foundation has been tirelessly working to ensure that those impacted by Sexual Gender-based Violence and Femicide (SGBVF) have free access to crisis intervention services and support 24/7. South Africa's rape statistics are among the world's worst, ranking in the top 10 according to These statistics produce numerous survival stories like Mara's, stories that should compel all of us to take note, speak up, and take action to end the scourge of sexual violence and abuse. Unfortunately, SGBVF remains one of the most pervasive and devastating atrocities affecting South African communities today.

Help at your fingertips, *134*7355# (Free 24/7) Choose option 2 in case of emergency. Find Tears locator: Helpline: 010 590 5920 (Standard rates apply) Email address:

Mara Glennie, the CEO and founder of the TEARS Foundation

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