Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023



CAM: Thank you for joining us at Collective Action Magazine, where we are all about advancing the response to gender-based violence. I'm excited, and so is my team, to be talking to you because you are the expert when it comes to trauma, which is the basis of many of the emails we receive after encountering tragedy. Trauma is an angle of mental wellness that is not well understood or even spoken about. So, in this edition, we wanted to talk more about trauma and how we can heal from it. When we identify the root cause, it becomes easier for us to navigate the healing space. This is the conversation we want to have with you today. Nomfundo: Thanks, it's truly an honour to be here. This is something that's really close to my heart. It's not just work; it's about people. So, it's an honour to be part of this. Thank you for having me here. And congratulations on the work you do with the magazine. It's only going to be beneficial if we work together as a collective to address this pandemic of gender-based violence. So, I'm really excited to be a part of this collective that is trying to make a difference.

Nomfundo : Okay, so Nomfundo Mogapi is my name. As you mentioned, by training, I am a clinical psychologist. I started an organisation called the Centre for Mental Wellness and Leadership (CMWL]. The reason I started this organisation is that, as a psychologist who has worked in the fields of violence, peacebuilding, and sexual and gender-based violence, and also working with government agencies and NGOs, I realised that there is a significant missing piece in our interventions and programming, as well as in how we work as organisations. It was crucial to understand how trauma impacts the work we do. So, I'm here to help individuals, organisations, and leaders identify trauma and learn how to transform it. This way, it won't undermine their best intentions and interfere with the outcomes that people envision. CAM: We want to know more about you. Tell us a bit about your background.

June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine


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