Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

At times words can be a barrier to healing because words cannot articulate what the mind can process. As a result of unprocessed trauma, speaking can be a difficult outlet of expression. Art is a form of expression that does not require words, it’s a form of self-expression that transcends the limitation of words. We speak with Leeroy Cana an artist using his art as the voice for the voiceless. In our next edition we will explore healing techniques like Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) developed by Dr David Berceli, who demonstrates that the body stores trauma and stress which can be released in a physical, non- verbal way. We will also explore a practice called Family Constellations, a group healing practice where, through careful facilitation, an individual can tap into their family constellations to seek answers and sometimes find closure. All this exploration of healing modalities is driven by the fact that we firmly believe that healing is the key to ending the cycle of GBVF. The mentioned modalities are an additional offer to common practises like counselling, faith-based interventions, psychological therapy, and so on. We are aware that not everyone has the same beliefs and practices, and it is important that you decide on a path you believe in and that works for you.

That being said, I hope you enjoy this edition.

Happy reading!

Hazel Namponya Hazel Namponya - Editor In Chief


June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine

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