Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

“According to Medical News Today, “Shadow Work” is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on the “shadow self” which is the part of the psyche that people often keep hidden, such as trauma and resentment.

During the 20th century, psychoanalyst Carl Jung developed this concept and called it the “shadow self”, which he would describe as things that people suppress, ignore, or do not like to acknowledge. Although the “shadow self” can include negative impulses, such as anger and resentment, Jung believed that it also held the potential for positive impulses, such as creativity. He felt that the shadow self is integral to a person’s experience of the world and their relationships. He also thought that a person could gain a better understanding of themselves and become more balanced by working with their shadow self.

Art is a natural pathway to healing from trauma. It promotes self-

expression and enables emotional healing and internal resilience. When facilitated by an art therapist, art can form part of a psychosocial support programme.


June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine

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