Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

The Interview

CAM: The first time we met you, and we saw your phenomenal artwork on display, it featured actor Kevin Hart, what was it all about? Leeroy : I've created quite a lot of jackets for ordinary people and public figures in South Africa and overseas. It has been humbling because of the way my work has been received, it has opened up many opportunities for me.

CAM: Let's talk about the signature mathematical and science formula that is featured on your creations. what is the significance? Leeroy : It’s a habit. I faced challenges when I was in school, particularly in high school and college. I felt inadequate in mathematics and science. So, I decided to teach myself those subjects. For now, I want to keep the reason behind my fascination with working out complex scientific and mathematical solutions a mystery. It may not align with the overall design of the jacket, but that's intentional. CAM: Okay, so now let's shift the conversation back to your creative process. What message are you trying to convey through your art? What impression do you want people to have when they see your work? Leeroy : Well, when someone looks at my creations, I want them to question and wonder. I want them to be intrigued and curious about the message behind each piece. I aim to provoke thoughts and initiate conversations. Ultimately, I want people to interpret the artwork in their own way and derive their own meaning from it. It's about sparking a connection and engaging with the audience on a deeper level.

CAM: Have you done any notable work with survivors of gender-based violence?

Leeroy : Yes, I recently painted a jacket for someone who had been abused when she was young and survived different types of abuse. She had experienced physical abuse and had been in an abusive relationship. I felt she deserved the world. I took it upon myself to support her, help her heal, and protect her from any further harm. I created a special jacket for her to encourage her and remind her that despite the hardships she endured, she made it through and is now in a positive place. The jacket serves as a monument to her strength and resilience, a reminder that she is loved and accepted.


June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine

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