Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

CAM: Alright. So, when we talk about gender-based violence, it's important to be inclusive. It's not just about women and children, but also the LGBTQIA+ community. Have you ever created artwork or raised awareness specifically for the LGBTQIA+ community when it comes to gender-based violence? Leeroy : To be honest, I haven't specifically done any work for the LGBTQIA+ community. It's something I may consider in the future. However, my focus has been on what I've witnessed happening for a long time, even while growing up. I've seen instances where I would witness a man from next door beating up his wife, and she would be screaming and running out of the house. I've witnessed parents getting into physical altercations, particularly affecting women and children. That's why I've chosen to focus on these two groups.

Leeroy : My brand name is Marked by Cana, I use the hashtag #MarkedByCana on Instagram. The main goal of my brand is to work with existing threads and clothing. Before I consider creating employment opportunities, I want to collaborate with another black South African designer, someone who can create the jackets or denim from scratch, while I come in with my artwork. It's about working in partnership. CAM: Absolutely, you're telling our own stories as South Africans through your artwork. I understand that gender-based violence is currently a pressing issue that needs attention. As we conclude, my last question is about your brand. What do you hope to achieve with the brand?

The full interview is available on our YouTube channel @collectiveactionmagazine (link:

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June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine


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