Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

With these results in mind, End GBVF Collective agreed to support The World of Impact in scaling these 100-Day Challenges in strategic priority areas in 2023 and beyond. The World of Impact will take the lead on this scaling effort, with support from the Ford Foundation and other allies of this work. Part of this will include working with stakeholders to attract network organisations that are ready and willing to collaborate with other organisations on GBVF-related initiatives, share experiences, and data, and work on their own GBVF practices. These organisations will become the End-GBVF Movement Amplifiers. Movement Amplifiers, who fulfill their commitments, will be eligible to become Movement Accelerators , and to receive support in capacity building, enabling them to host and support 100-Day Challenges - structured ways to organise collective action at the local level to inspire intense collaboration, rapid innovation, and disciplined implementation. A full 100-Day Challenge cycle lasts five to six months and includes initial scoping conversations, leadership design, and workshops with the 100- day Challenge teams. The process is facilitated by local 100-Day Challenge Ambassadors , from the Movement Accelerators, who are trained on the choreography of the 100-Day Challenge and supported through virtual coaching and reflection sessions during their learning journeys. The learning programme will include facilitating and supporting a 100-Day Challenge from the idea to impact, with the investment in learning having an immediate payoff. Steering groups will provide strategic guidance for the design of 100-Day Challenges, linking the National strategy to local impact indicators. We refer to these structures as Impact & Learning Labs . They will be convened by a primary government department that will collaborate with other departments and several national and local organisations, including CSOs and NGOs, to bring the voices of all stakeholder groups to strategic decisions related to this work.

Prevention in the workplace and communities. Prevention in schools – Youth. Access, speed, and quality of case resolution. Movement Accelerators will organise 100-Day Challenges focused on the impact areas:

Integrated crisis response. Post-crisis integrated care.

The aim is to launch and complete forty-five 100-Day Challenges in 2023, two hundred seventy in 2024, and six hundred and thirty in 2025. It is an ambitious exponential growth path, which is needed if we are to make a dent nationally on GBVF. The scaling strategy of the World of Impact includes building the capacity of Movement Accelerators to support this work and creating an online platform for learning, connecting, exchanging knowledge, and collaborating. By the end of 2025, the aim is to have all these functions performed by the appropriate Government departments that have primary responsibility for each of the major impact areas of GBVF. This will enable the World of Impact to exit the scene knowing that the movement will continue to grow, and the impact will continue to multiply. The World of Impact will work closely with the 100-Day Challenge teams, provide guidance, and support to them, and make sure they are in alignment with the strategic direction provided by the Impact & Learning Labs, as well as ensuring that insights and innovations emerging from 100-Day Challenge teams are shared and disseminated to other districts.

To sign-up to join End GBVF Collective and become eligible to run 100-Day Challenges in your district visit


June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine

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