Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023



ositive masculinity challenges the narrow and restrictive definitions of what it means to be a man. It P By promoting positive masculinity, we can break free from harmful gender norms and create a society where men are empowered to express themselves fully and engage in healthy, equal relationships. It allows men to encourages men to embrace empathy, compassion, emotional intelligence, and respect for others. It recognises that strength lies not in physical power or control, but in vulnerability, authenticity, and the ability to form healthy relationships. challenge toxic masculinity and work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive world for all genders. Here, we delve into the concept of positive masculinity, exploring its benefits, challenges, and the experiences of individuals and communities striving to redefine gender norms. Together, let us embrace a new vision of masculinity—one that fosters empathy, promotes equality, and contributes to the dismantling of harmful gender stereotypes.

Positive masculinity is emotionally expressive Society has long propagated the notion that men should suppress their emotions, linking emotional vulnerability with weakness. However, this belief is not only flawed but also absurd. True strength lies in the ability to acknowledge and express one's emotions with eloquence and vulnerability. A man who can honestly communicate his feelings is truly impressive, as he demonstrates courage and self-awareness. Similarly, a man who humbly admits his ignorance and actively seeks to expand his knowledge exhibits strength through his willingness to learn and grow. Furthermore, a man who has the strength to ask for help when needed, recognising that protecting himself and those under his care requires assistance, exemplifies positive masculinity. And perhaps most importantly, a man who acknowledges the necessity of love and reciprocates it in his relationships demonstrates a profound understanding of empathy, compassion, and the power of emotional connection. In challenging the outdated notion that suppressing emotions equates to strength, we can embrace a more enlightened perspective on masculinity—one that celebrates emotional intelligence, vulnerability, and the capacity for love


June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine

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