Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

REDEFINING MUSCULINITY Positive masculinity emphasises compassion Truly great men do not waste their time criticising those who do not conform to societal norms. Instead, they embody compassion as a defining trait, being genuinely moved by the struggles of others and displaying a willingness to offer help and support. Actively treating those who are less fortunate with kindness and respect, rather than resorting to ridicule, is a powerful act of positive masculinity. Moreover, a man who respects and acknowledges the important role of women in negotiating safe sex demonstrates positive masculinity by promoting mutual consent and equality. Additionally, a man who ensures that his daughters and wife have access to property inheritance and education exhibits strength by actively working to empower and uplift the women in his life. Lastly, a man who writes a will to protect his family showcases a sense of responsibility and strength, prioritising the well- being and security of his loved ones. These acts reflect the true essence of positive masculinity, emphasising empathy, fairness, and a commitment to nurturing supportive and equal relationships. Positive masculinity centres on moral courage The most heroic male figures are those who possess the courage to confront exploitation and cruelty, even in the face of criticism and threats. In contrast to the rigid expectations of traditional masculinity that emphasise conformity, positive masculinity empowers men to challenge societal norms and take a stand for what is morally right. These exceptional individuals defy the pressure to simply go along with the status quo and instead choose to fight against injustice, inequality, and acts of cruelty. Their actions inspire others and demonstrate the transformative power of positive masculinity, showing that true strength lies in the willingness to question, challenge, and advocate for a better world.

Positive masculinity finds strength in vulnerability When a man courageously expresses his hopes and fears, he not only allows himself to be vulnerable but also opens the door to genuine connections with others. Through honest and authentic storytelling, inspiring individuals create a resonance that touches the hearts of others. Vulnerability extends beyond emotions —it encompasses the freedom to express one's unique personality, passions, and sense of humour. By embracing vulnerability, men can foster close and supportive relationships, acknowledging acts of compassion and kindness. It takes immense courage for a man to let down his guard, putting his ego on the line. However, in doing so, he creates a space for authenticity, connection, and personal growth that goes beyond societal expectations and empowers others to do the same. Positive masculinity is expansive Acknowledging that men encompass a range of roles beyond fighters and hunters, such as healers, teachers, and artists, expands the definition of masculinity without diluting its meaning. This broader perspective allows for a more inclusive understanding of what it means to be a man. Men have the power to make a positive impact on the world through supporting others, sharing their experiences, or mastering a craft. These actions contribute to personal empowerment and a sense of self-worth. Additionally, a man who values his well-being and actively avoids unnecessary danger while engaging in healthy and respectful relationships exhibits positive masculinity. By embracing these diverse aspects of masculinity, we can foster a more nuanced and enriching understanding of what it means to be a man in today's world.

A man who can honestly communicate his feelings is truly impressive, as he demonstrates courage and self-awareness. Similarly, a man who humbly admits his ignorance and actively seeks to expand his knowledge exhibits strength through his willingness to learn and grow.

June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine


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