King's Business - 1961-08

you ve got it coming by Vance Hamer— page 10

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T h e K i n g e B u s in e s s A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board


AUGUST, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-one

Vol. 52, No. 8

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home


“ Character B efore Career” Accredited college preparation for boys. Distinctive Christian train­ ing. Grades eight to college en­ trance. Boys from sixteen states and sixteen foreign countries. Full athletic program. 70-acre campus, accessible by car or train. Fortieth year. For a catalogue , write the headmaster , Dr. Frank E. Gaebelein Box 80, Stony Brook, Long Island, N.Y.

REFUGEES: M Y PEOPLE: Picture Story — Ruth Hitchcock ...... 8 YOU 'VE GOT IT COM ING — Vance Havner .......................... 10 FAM ILY EVANGELISM — Vanita Kronquest ......................... 13 IMPORTANCE OF SELF-JUDGMENT — A. W. Tozer .............12 VACAT ION S — Willard Alldrich ............................................ 14 A LETTER FROM CAM P — Ann Miller ................................ 15 THE CHURCH OF CHRIST A N D THE K INGDOM OF CHRIST — Charles H. Stevens ................................. 17 HOPE FOR OUR AIMLESS SUNDAY SCHOOLS — Wayne Christianson ..................................................... 30 CATERPILLARS FOR SUPPER — Ruth Samarin ........................ 36 AU CA ADVANCE: Picture Story — Betty Elliot ....................... 40 f a t e ! MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .......... 6 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ................. 20 TALK ING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ............................ 24 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ......................... 25 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ........................................... 26 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ....... ............................. 29 THE CHR IST IAN HOME — Paul Bayles ......... ....................... 32 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea Miller ................... 33 WORLD NEW SGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................. 34 SCIENCE A N D THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ................... 35 A LU M N I NEWS — Inez McGahey ......................................... 39 Columns READER REACTION ............................. _ 4 HOM ILETICAL HELPS ......................................................... 21 TOWN AN D CAMPUS NEWS ................................. 38 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ...................................................... 42




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Conwrvativ« Baptist Theological Seminary t m WÍMOHT A V EN U * NORTH v

JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager

JERRY JENSEN: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton

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SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $ 1.50 six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business/' AUGUST, 1961

ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.



You’ll welcome this scholarly study on the book of beginnings THE MESSAGE OF GENESIS by R alph E. E lliott " A blueprint for theology" is Dr. Elliott's definition of the first book of the Bible. He presents Genesis as the theological foundation on which the balance of the Old Testament rests. Part I deals with the purpose, date, and authorship. Part II, "The Need of Man," is an exposition of the first eleven chapters. Part III, "God's Answer to Man's Needs," is a com­ mentary on chapters 12-50. A care­ ful, balanced combination of biblical scholarship and the Christian convic­ tion that the Bible is God's inspired Word. $4.50 Get this new book at your favorite bookseller

COLLEGE PRESIDENT IS THANKFUL Recently I read your article on the subject, “ Is Indoctrination Our Business?” (March 1961). I thank God for the clear discernment and the deep spiritual con­ viction and fair evaluation it reveals. May God continue to bless you in your great work. Monroe Parker, President, Pillsbury College, Owatonna, Minnesota. RICH BLESSING . . . IN HOME W e certainly enjoy every issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS. W e would not want to be without it in our home. It has been a rich blessing to us. May the Lord abun­ dantly bless each one who has a part in making the magazine such a blessing. Mrs. J. Lesley Bremer, Washbum, Maine. M IN IST R Y INCREASES Before leaving Los Angeles, I received the May issue of THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS and I wish to thank you for the fine write-up you gave our church (Cup of Cold Water Ministry). Thank you for your confidence in this work and your friendship. Since the article was written for your magazine, the missionary figures have increased to the $400,000 bracket in­ stead of the $200,000. Shipping of cargo is now four tons per week and instead of the figure that was given we have at this time shipped more than 200 tons of cargo. I thought you would be glad to see the advance . . . 15 tons, 1958; 90 tons, 1959; 120 tons, 1960; and this year we will ex­ ceed 200 tons plus at least $125,000 for missions. God bless you! Dr. C. T. Walberg, Congregational Church of Christ, Redondo Beach, California. Some years ago I wrote to HCJB, Quito, Ecuador to find out where they obtained some of the illustrations they used on the air. They sent me a list of four publica­ tions which they suggested would be of help to me . . . one of them was THE KING’S BUSINESS. I was a student preacher then; I am now pastor of a church. I enjoyed your magazine then and I enjoy it even more now. May God continue to bless and use you as you send forth the Word of Life to many parts of the world. S. J. Smith, Sutherland, Australia. READER COMM END S M AG A Z IN E Your magazine is tremendous. M y hus­ band and I read it as soon as we get it. Keep up the good work. Is it possible for some articles on youth to be presented? Something for junior high and high school age would be helpful. Thank you so much. Deanie Thomas, Burbank, California. ILLUSTRATIONS INTEREST STUDENT PREACHER

M AGA Z IN E REFRESHING TO READ I enjoy reading THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS every month, and get much inspira­ tion from it. It is refreshing to read a magazine that has not succumbed to the temptation of modernism or materialism. The May, 1961 cover certainly was beauti­ ful, and the content of the issue was great. Harry H. Horton, Jr., Jasper, Florida. THE KING’S BUSINESS is the finest most attractive Christian magazine I have ever seen. The articles are the most time­ ly and the features are always interesting. I’m very grateful for the privilege to re­ ceive such a magazine. Mrs. Jayde Wade, Downey, California. M A Y ISSUE OF SPECIAL BLESSING I received a special blessing from the May issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS. I couldn’t put it down until I had read through it. W e appreciate the stand that the magazine has taken. The article “A Cup of Cold Water” by Ray Friesz was of particular interest. Mrs. Wm. S. Little, Idaho Falls, Idaho. EDITORIAL TO BE DISTRIBUTED Thank you for so promptly sending copies of your recent article (“ Is Indoctri­ nation Our Business?” March issue) to Dr. Warren in Wheaton in response to our wire last week. I would like to take the liberty of mimeographing the material for distribution among Conservative Baptists and other interested parties. We, of course, would give full recognition and credit to you, Biola, and to the KING’S BUSINESS. Thank you and God bless you. Rev. Kenneth C. Knappen, Chicago, Illinois. REASONS FOR FIRST PLACE I place the KING’S BUSINESS first a m o n g Christian magazines published every month. It seems to me that it covers every needed subject. Dr. Bolton David- heiser’s “ Science and the Bible” is so thor­ ough on evolution and other matters of science; may he keep up the good work. The numerous and fluent articles are in­ tensely interesting and Dr. Talbot’s “ Ques­ tion Box” is very helpful. M y prayer is that the Lord will continue to bless the wonderful and growing ministry of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. H. Howard, Kansas City, Mo. Help send magazines to prisons, hospitals, military bases, missionaries. YOUR GIFTS, T A X DEDUCTIBLE, TO OUR "FREE FUND" M AKE THIS IMPORTANT M IN ISTRY POSSIBLE THE K ING 'S BUSINESS 558 S. Hope St.. Los Angeles 17, Calif. "M O S T TIMELY ARTICLES," COMMENTS READER

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AUGUST, 1961

WhistlingIn The hark

by Dr. S. H. Sutherland

It has been noted previously on these pages that there are grave and disturbing signs which indicate a definite decline of vital convictions on the part of many out­ standing denominational leaders in regard to the great historic doctrines of the Prot­ estant church. This fact, of course, has affected the entire spiritual life of Prot­ estantism in these United States. This trend has been pointed up in such articles as "Can Protestantism Hold Its Own in Modern America?", February Fortune; "Can City Churches Survive?", March issue of Look; "Protestant Churches Must Face Facts", April issue of Church Management ; and ^A Post Protestant Era", from the recent book, "The New Shape of American Religion." These are but a few of many such articles which have appeared within the past several months. Instead of emphasizing the pertinent question, "What's Wrong with the Protestant Church of America?" a recent article phrased its title as follows: "Has America Lapsed Into a Post-Protestant Era?"* The author purports to point out what's right with the Protestant Church in America today. It would seem to be a clear case of "whistling in the dark". Some of the reasons given in the article for thinking that the Protest­ ant Church is actually progressing are: (1) "Thirty-five percent of all Americans pres­ ently belong to Protestant Churches, as op­ posed to five percent of the population in the early years of American history" (2) "The churches today have a very wide popu­ lar appeal; church attendance is higher in this country than in Protestant churches of other countries;" (3) "Protestantism in America has become big business" (4) "Re­ ligious education is making new strides" (5) "The renewal of interest in religion is indicated by the use of religious litera­ ture. . . Although earlier generations may have had a better knowledge of the catech­ ism, Protestant theology, Protestant prin­ ciples and the content of the Bible, Prot­ estants today are doubtless better in­ formed about the church's program and its focus on world affairs." There are statements in the article which are worthy of favorable comment, but this last quotation expresses the attitude THE KING'S BUSINESS

u n i q u e


4:00 P.M.—Sundays Church of the Open Door (lower auditorium) 6th and Hope St., Los Angeles sponsored by the JEW ISH DEPARTMENT Church of the Open Door Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Dr. DanieJ Rose, Director Rev. Norman Allensworth, Supt. Write for free tracts for Jewish friends.

of all too many church leaders concerning the real function of the Protestant church in the world today. The tragedy is that nowhere in the article does the author reveal any con— t cern whatever over the fact that such is the case. This is exactly the difficulty with Protestantism. Vastly greater emphasis is placed upon the importance of individual con­ gregations following the official church program than the leaders' proclamation of the great doctrines of the church. A minister can deny all of the great doctrines of the Word of God, and if anyone dares criticize him for his unbelief he will have any number of his colleagues leaping to his de­ fense. But if a minister presumes to criticize the official boards, agencies and programs of his denomination, immedi­ ate steps are taken either to rebuke him, censure him or even to decapitate him ecclesiastically. It is quite generally agreed that earlier generations did have a better knowledge of the catchism, theology, prin­ ciples and the contents of the Holy Bible, and herein lay the vitality and strength of the Protestant movement in those generations. It was this very fact that fed and bred spirit­ ual giants among the clergy and laity alike. They learned these truths, they believed these truths and they made these truths a vital part of their every-day lives. That is the reason the church made a vital impact upon the lives of in­ dividuals. Indeed, that is a very significant reason for the comparatively small church membership during those gen­ erations. The world recognized that there was a vast dif­ ference between it and the church. Unless a person was really born-again through believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, in those days he would not have con­ sidered uniting with the church. Then church membership did not enhance one's social prestige or further his politi­ cal career, nor did church membership increase his business connections. In fact, church membership often had the exact opposite effect. Nowadays very little mention is made of being born- again, of accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as one's own per­ sonal Saviour, or of living a separated life-separated from the world and separated unto the Lord. Instead, it has become a popular thing to belong to a church. It has been made so easy that anyone can join regardless of what he believes or what he does not believe. In times past the world hated the church and would have nothing to do with it.; Although this was true, at times, because of the evident hypocrisy of church members and clergy alike, yet in the main the world hated the church because it was the church that spoke the Word of God which pointed out the fact of sin in the hearts and lives of the unregenerate. It is quite understandable that men who love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil, will hate that which reveals their iniquity. Church history is replete with instances whereof the church's spiritual strength flourished because it was at variance with the world and only those who were real born- again believers joined it even though it was a most unpopu­ lar thing to do. Church history is also replete with in­ stances of the church's becoming worldly so that there was little distinction between it and social organizations. During those times of fraternization, the church grew popu­ lar with the world, waxed wealthy— and lost its message al­ most completely. Today, history is repeating itself in this very regard. In many areas much is being made of the fact that thirty-five percent of the population of the United States belong to churches. To the student of church history (Continued on page 34)

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BIOLA Home Study Courses “Fundamental Doctrines“ ....................... 6.00 “Practical Bible Training“ -------------------- 2.00 “Studies For New Christians“ ................ 1.00 “Studies In the Gospels“ .... :.... -.......... 6.00 “The Book Of Acts“ ............. :............. 3.00 “Biblical Geography“ .......... 3.00 “Child Evangelism“ — ------ 5.00 Evangelical Teacher Training Course 6 Units, Preliminary Certificate Course ....$15.00 6 Units, (plus 6 units Preliminary Course) Advanced Certificate Course — .— ...... $15.00 Courses by Gerald B. Stanton, TH.D. “Christian Foundations“ --------- — --— 4*50 “Great Words of the Gospel“ --------------- 3.00 Course by Charles L. Feinberg, TH.D. “Prophetic Events in the Light of the Minor Prophets“ ----- .----------- 16.00 5 Units ($3.50 per unit) Courses by Louis T. Talbot, D.D., LL.D. “Christ in the Tabernacle“ — -----------------$ 6.00 “God's Plan of the A ges" ------------------- 4.50 “The Book of Revelation" ---------- ----------- 6.00 “Prophecies of Daniel" ----- --------------— ... 6.00 “The Book of Ephesians" ----------------------- 5.00 “Studies in Romans" -------------------------- 5.00 “The Cults" 6 units ---------------------------- 6.00 Write for Brochure of courses offered CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 K-7 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Cal.


AUGUST, 1961

Refugees: My People

by Al Sanders

Miss Ruth Hitchcock’s porch not only overlooks the small harbor inlet, but also stands in the direct hurricane path. “As long as we are in His hands,” she smiles, “what else could one want?”

“ npHis is my home — near my people, the refugees,” -B- smiled Miss Ruth Hitchcock, veteran missionary to the Chinese. “I thank the Lord that I can now have a small part in training native Christian leaders who will be able ‘to teach others also.’ ” Miss Hitchcock serves with the Christian and Mis­ sionary Alliance Seminary on the island of Cheng Chau, just a few miles by boat from Hong Kong. There she teaches the Bible to earnest young men who have come to the school from all parts of the Orient preparing themselves for service among their own people. From her hurricane-struck home she can overlook the small fishing junks in the harbor and on beyond to the main­ land of Red China. “ Someday we may go back. Mean-

“It is the witnessing of funerals,” Miss Hitchcock sadly declares., “that brings the real heart­ break. Here at the water’s edge, a weird religious gathering assembles to pray to the spirits, “without hope and without God in the world.”


while, these are my people, they are refugees and home­ less.” The ministry of helping the homeless is not a new thought for this winsome 46 year veteran of foreign serv­ ice. She went through two wars on the China mainland, each time with a price on her head. Her only desire was to help the orphans of the areas where she went. Often traveling under the veil of night, she would lead as many as 150 children to the safety of another day, out of the range of the guns, but within earshot of cannon blasts. Miss Hitchcock is founder of the Hebron Mission, a children’s orphanage in China. Her work has been supported by close friends and through the ministry of the Hitchcock Drygoods Store in Santa Barbara. Her sister, Mrs. Helen Potier, carried on the tradition of their mother in which much of the profits from the store went to help the Chinese under Miss Hitchcock’s guidance. “ In the late twenties,” Miss Hitchcock recalls, “my parents' felt that it would be wise for me and several of our other helpers from Germany to have a place for a vacation spot. They secured a little home for us on the island of Cheng Chau. Little did I know that the time would come when this island would be a sanctuary for me. How good is the providence of the Lord.” And what of retirement? “The Lord will retire me,” Miss Hitchcock laughed infectiously. “ I will be coming home for a few months, but I can’t stay there. There is too much to be done and too little time in which to do it.” But just then the bell sounded, “My next class is about to start,” Miss Hitchcock smiled. “The Lord is so good to give me the opportunity of training others in His Word.” Indeed, one could readily see what she meant by the words, “This is my home—near my people, the refugees.”

Gathering on the steps of her home, Miss Hitchcock receives a visit from one of the orphans she helped to get to safety during the Japanese war. With his family, residing in Hong Kong, he with others who have been similarly helped like to visit Miss Hitchcock at her home on the island.

In the market place at the village, one o f the women counts the meager earnings o f her day’s work. Nothing is wasted; every vegeta­ tion is sold and eaten in order to keep from starving.

AUGUST, 1961


by Vance Havner

chill the marrow of our bones all tell the same sad story. It is written in broken homes, in every morgue, in every penitentiary, in mental institutions, in the ghastly police records, in electric chairs and gas chambers . . . some­ body flouted the laws of God and bucked the unchange­ able order of the universe and paid for it. They had it coming to them. There was a time when pulpits thundered about the consequences of sin. Today the theme is neglected, and, in the pew, sin is lightly regarded and there is no fear of God before our eyes. A warden ■ in one of our penal institutions recently said that his biggest job was con­ vincing young criminals that they had done any wrong. God is regarded in most quarters as a grandfatherly sort of being, trotting us on His knee and with about as much moral authority as Santa Claus. Some may admit that we are punished by our sins but they do not believe we are punished FOR them. God says that it is appointed unto men once to die and after that the judgment. He has appointed a day, He has ordained a judge, and He has commanded repentance. Death and judgment are on their way. We have it coming to us. Another world is necessary to square up the inequali­ ties of this one. Things do not come out evenly down here. The wicked often prosper while the righteous suf­ fer. A godly little woman who suffers the brutality of a godless husband,— if there is justice in the universe there must be a day when each receives his due. They have it coming to them. There is a God in the heavens and men cannot laugh in His face and forever get away with it. Benjamin Franklin wrote to Thomas Paine, “ He who spits against the wind spits in his own face.” There may be no discipline anywhere else these days but the Almighty has not been converted to our modem no­ tions. We may grow sentimental about criminals and excuse sin by calling it merely sickness but God Knows better. Sin is indeed sickness but a far worse sort than we will admit. It is moral leprosy that dates from Adam. We not only do evil, we are bom in it and in sin did our mothers conceive us. The wages of sin is death and the

O c c a s i o n a l l y w e hear the remark, “He had it com­ ing to him.” Certain causes produce certain results. A wrong Course leads to evil consequences. Pay day comes some day. One man lives beyond his income and finally there is the inevitable crash. Another breaks every law of health and ends up a wretched wreck. He made his bed, we say, and now he must lie upon it. Still an­ other starts out with petty crimes and the last chapter finds him in Death Row awaiting execution. We say, “ He asked for it.” He had it coming to him. “ Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatso­ ever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” The biggest fool on earth is the dupe who says, “I’ll get by.” We try it in the home and at school. We make a game of getting by the law. Then we are fools enough to think we can get by with God but God is not mocked. Adam tried it and the world became a graveyard. Judas tried it and paid for a ceme­ tery with the proceeds of iniquity. He tied a knot in time which he could not untie in eternity. The record says that he went to his own place. Of course he did. Every man arrives at his own place. We’ve got it com­ ing to us. The Scriptures do not say, “Be sure your sins will be found out.” They say, “ Be sure your sins will find you out” . . . and they will. They show us up. We tell on ourselves. Fools make a mock of sin but one day each man will be shown up 'for what he really is. We fancy that we can break the laws of God and get away with it. No man can break a single law of God. If you leap from a skyscraper y.ou -do not break the law of gravitation. You break your neck but the law of gravitation is as strong as ever. We break ourselves against God’s laws and what we sow we reap. You may cheat your way through life but down the road somewhere you pay and take' the consequences. You have it coming to you. The horrible newspaper accounts of suicide and mur­ der and unmentionable crimes that curdle the blood and



There awaits them a new and eternal ministry for which this is but a short apprenticeship. Sometimes I look at an old picture of myself stand­ ing with two other young preachers who long have been taken home. I do not think of them sadly as though their work had been abruptly terminated while I was allowed to continue. We are continuing either there or here. They were promoted earlier and I shall join them in due time. Our promotion days do not come on the same day, but they are assured in the calendar of God. And so is your graduation from this elementary course, if you have taken His yoke upon you to learn in the school of Christ. You’ve got it coming to you. It may be that these lines will fall under the eyes of some faithful servant of God who has toiled long years in a small and obscure place. There has not come the recognition accorded to others. There has been little appreciation. You have seen men promoted by clever politics and very doubtful devices. Sometimes you have a weak spell and wonder whether your labor has been in vain. But you have been faithful over a few things and you have His Word for it that you will be: made ruler over many things. “ Pie in the sky” the cynic calls it but you know better. “ Promotion cometh neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south but God is the judge: he putteth down one and setteth up another.” You will rest your case with that Judge of all the earth and He will do right. You await the ver­ dict of eternity. Pharisees have their reward here and now but you can wait. Your pay check is drawn on a better bank than any poor vault of earth where moth and rust corrupt and where thieves break through and steal. You’ve got it coming to you. Or it may be that you are sore beset in body or mind. Maybe your original equipment is playing out. You are growing old. The keepers of the house tremble, the strong men bow themselves, the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be dark­ ened. You rise at the voice of the bird and the grasshop­ per is a burden. Never forget that part of your salvation is a brand new body one of these days, like unto the glorious body of your Lord. If you have trusted Him, you enjoy now but a small down-payment of your eter­ nal inheritance. You have in store a never-dying body and a never-ending life free from pain and sin and sorrow. You are destined to be more than a glorified ghost sitting on a cloud strumming a harp. You will “ walk in Jerusalem just like John” with a new body not subject to the present limitations of time and space. You’ve got it coming to you. Most blessed of all is that divine event toward which the whole creation moves, the return of our Lord. The world is waiting for the sunrise. Most of humanity does not know what that means but all who love His appear­ ing know. They watch for Him more than they that watch for the morning. We are not merely looking for something to happen, we are looking for Someone to come. The lurid headlines in the papers, the gloomy forecastings of commentators strike no alarm in the hearts of God’s remnant. They are not disturbed by evil tidings for their hearts are fixed, trusting in the Lord. To all such, however hard the stresses of these peril­ ous times, I would say, “ The night is far spent, the day is at hand. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. When ye see these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” You’ve got it coming to you!

soul that sinneth it shall die: Here is something worse than our mortal decease. It is the separation of the soul from God. The Scriptures make it plan that hell awaits the sinner. A prominent preacher wrote recently that there had not been a sermon on hell heard in his church for the past forty years. His church is no exception in that respect. But hell has not disappeared from the Word of God. Our Lord said more about it than anybody else. H e used the most vivid and lurid figures of speech to de­ scribe it. It is declared to be an everlasting experience. If we persist in sin and refuse the Divine provision for our salvation there is no other place to go. We choose it for ourselves. We have it coming to us. We may be tempted sometimes to complain at the prosperity of the wicked. The prophets of old were bothered, about it. We see wicked men carry out their evil schemes unhindered. We see Communism terrorize the world. We see Satan work his clever devices and the powers of darkness beset the children of God. But this is not the last chapter. Judgment awaits the sinner. Russia will meet her doom. Gog and Magog are headed for disaster at Armageddon. And the devil is getting closer to the lake of fire all the time. They have it com­ ing to them. An ungodly but prosperous farmer once boasted to a visiting preacher: “ I plowed much of this ground on Sunday. I planted it and cultivated it on Sunday as well as weekdays and I gathered part of it on Sunday and I have the best crops gathered around here this October.” The minister replied, “ God does not always make full settlement in October.” Indeed the Lord may sometimes seem slow but He is never late. Every one of us has an appointment with the Almighty, a date with Deity, and it will be kept. We cannot postpone it or have the secretary say we are not in. The ancient proph­ et cried, “Prepare to meet thy God!” We have been given sufficient notice in advance. “He that being often re­ proved hardeneth his neck shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy.” We have it coming to us. Nations have demonstrated the eternal truth that when we run against the purpose of God we run into trouble. It is written on the Pyramids, on the Parthenon, on the ruins of ancient Rome. It is demonstrated in the scattered Jews. The Pharaohs, the Caesars, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Hitler, all these built on the sand and the storm came and the house fell and great was the fall of it. Peace palaces in Geneva and the Hague are monu­ ments to building without the Chief Cornerstone and the glass house in Manhattan that now houses so many vain hopes will be next in line. “ Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” They build only for disaster. They have it coming to them. But this law works for good as well as ill. If un­ belief and disobedience bring sure retribution, it is just as true that faith in God and obedience to Him bring richest blessing. They that sow to the flesh reap corrup­ tion but they that sow to the Spirit reap life everlast­ ing. And there again God does not always make full settlement “in October.” That fine lad cut down when he had just begun a life of service; that missionary stricken after only a year or two on the field; that minister called home in the very bloom of his worfc-^we lament their early departure and call it “untimely” and sadly sigh “ Too bad.” But it was not “ too bad” for “ to depart and be with Christ is far better.” Nor is it untimely, for they have not ended their ministry, they have only begun it. “ His servants shall serve Him” in a better world, we are told, and we sing, “ Thou too shall be fitted For service above.”


' AUGUST, 1961

IMPORTANCE OF SELF-JUDGMENT 2. What we think about most. The necessities of life compel us to think about many things, but the true test is what we think about voluntarily. It is more than likely that our thoughts will cluster about our secret heart treas­ ure, and whatever that is will reveal what we are. “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” 3. How we use our money. Again we must ignore those matters about which we are not altogether free. We must pay taxes and provide the necessities of life for ourselves and family, if any. That is routine, merely, and tells us little about ourselves. But whatever money is left to do with as we please—that will tell us a great deal indeed. Better listen to it. 4. What we do with our leisure time. A large share of our time is already spoken for by the exigencies of civilized living, but we do have some free time. What we do with it is vital. Most people waste it staring at the television, listening to the radio, reading the cheap output of the press or engaging in idle chatter. What I do with mine reveals the kind of man I am. 5. The company we enjoy. There is a law of moral attraction that draws every man to the society most like himself. “Being let go, they went to their own company.” Where we go when we are free to go where we will is a near-infallible index of character. 6. Whom and what we admire. I have long suspected that the great majority of evangelical Christians, while kept somewhat in line by the pressure of group opinion, nevertheless have a boundless, if perforce secret, admira­ tion for the world. We can learn the true state of our minds by examining our unexpressed admirations. Israel often admired, even envied, the pagan nations around them, and so forgot the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the law and the promises and the fathers. Instead of blaming Israel let us look to ourselves. 7. What we laugh at. No one with a due regard for the wisdom of God would argue that there is anything wrong with laughter, since humor is a legitimate com­ ponent of our complex nature. Lacking a sense of humor we fall that much short of healthy humanity. But the test we are running here is not whether we laugh or not, but what we laugh at. Some things lie out­ side the field of pure humor. No reverent Christian, for instance, finds death funny, nor birth nor love. No Spirit- filled man can bring himself to laugh at the Holy Scrip­ tures, or the Church which Christ purchased with His own blood, or prayer or righteousness or human grief or pain. And surely no one who has been even for a brief moment in the presence of God could ever laugh at a story involving the Deity. These are a few tests. The wise Christian will find others.

H a r d l y a n y t h i n g else reveals so well the fear and uncertainty among men as the length to which they will go to hide their true selves from each other and even from their own eyes. Almost all men live from childhood to death behind a semiopaque curtain, coming out briefly only when forced by some emotional shock, and then retreating as quickly as possible into hiding again. The result of this lifelong dissimulation is that people rarely know their neighbors for what they really are, and worse than that, the camouflage is so successful that mostly they do not quite know themselves either. Self-knowledge is so critically important to us in our pursuit of God and. His righteousness that we lie under heavy obligation to do immediately whatever is necessary to remove the disguise and permit our real selves to be known. It is one of the supreme tragedies in religion that so many of us think so highly of ourselves when the evi­ dence lies all on the other side; and our self-admiration effectively blocks out any possible effort to discover a remedy for our condition. Only the man who knows he is sick will go to a physician. Now, our true moral and spiritual state can be dis­ closed only by the Spirit and the Word. The final judg­ ment of the heart is God’s. There is a sense in which we dare not judge each other (Matt. 7:1-5), and in which we should not even try to judge ourselves (1 Cor. 4:3). The ultimate judgment belongs to the One whose eyes are like a flame of fire and who sees quite through the deeds and thoughts of men. I for one am glad to leave the final word with Him. There is, nevertheless, a place for self-judgment and a real need that we exercise it (1 Cor. 11:31, 32). While our self-discovery is not likely to be complete and our self-judgment is almost certain to be biased and imper­ fect, there is yet every good reason for us to work along with the Holy Spirit in His benign effort to locate us spiritually in order that we may make such amendments as the circumstances demand. That God already knows us thoroughly is certain (Psa. 139:1-6). It remains for us to know ourselves as accurately as possible. For this reason I offer some rules for self-discovery; and if the results are not all we could desire they may be at least better than none at all. We may be known by the following: 1. What we want most. We have but to get quiet, recollect our thoughts, wait for the mild excitement within us to subside, and then listen closely for the faint cry of desire. Ask your heart, What would you rather have than anything else in the world? Reject the con­ ventional answer. Insist on the true one, and when you have heard it you will know the kind of person you are.





by Vanita Kronquest

N ow who would be ’phoning me from that far East?” Bus Schal- ler, Schaller racing car cam manu­ facturer protested. The clear-cut voice over three thousand miles away an­ nounced, “I got the cams in fine shape, but I want to know more about this unique little paper called PLUS accompanying the order. Hardly ex­ pected this type of thing from ‘racing people.’ ” Besides discussing t h e things of God for fifteen minutes, the easterner gloated over the courage and spiritual concern of this Califor­ nia business man. Milk customers of Johnson’s Dairy woke up one morning with PLUS added to their door-step dairy orders. Olson’s Drug prescriptions came off the assembly line with thought stimu­ lating, compact, spiritual prescrip­ tions for the world’s ills in the form of PLUS. Doctor’s and dentist’s offices saw people feeding their minds and souls with PLUS while they waited fulfillment of appointments. PLUS, the courtesy gift, supplied by alert Christians (usually couples or families) is unlike t h e ordinary tract. Its brief sharp items of interest; dressed up statistics; humor with moral application; poetry within reach of all; pithy points topped with spiritual tones and bold type Scrip­ tures add up to interest for all deno­ minations and walks of life. It was a Catholic who assured in writing, “We can hardly wait for PLUS to come. We especially enjoy the Bible verses chosen.” An eastern mother of a boy who had ordered a motorcycle cam wrote of the spirit­ ual impact PLUS left upon her son. A family, difficult to touch for Christ telephoned, “We want to thank those responsible for putting out PLUS.” Through PLUS being, mailed along with invoices from business houses,

letters came in from Ohio, Georgia, Tennessee and more local areas closer to Turlock, California where PLUS ENTERPRISES was bom. The indifferent, Catholics, business men, school teachers, young and old watch the mails twice a month for PLUS. Because it has one short “ re­ ligious” (spiritual — punch item) amid Other choice reading, it is accepted by all. It was back in 1956 that Woodrow and Evelyn Young were overwhelmed with the realization that about 95% of the Christian families in our churches are not active in evangeliz­ ing other families. Also, that in spe­ cial meetings only about 2% to 4% of the people really respond to a defi­ nite plan and appeal to evangelize and follow-up. The Youngs reasoned, “ Families whose doors are normally closed to the Gospel would accept a periodical like PLUS.” “Woody” as he is known to friends set out to get the pastor’s slant. With almost no exception, pastors were en­ thusiastic about the family evange­ lism plan. With his son Bill, they contacted two hundred homes in the Turlock, California, ar ea. Almost every Christian couple admitted their

yearning to reach other couples for Christ, but lacked “ know-how.” Some recalled cold canvassing for special campaigns and rally days, but many doors were closed faster than they had been opened. At other homes peo­ ple protested, “We’ve got our own re­ ligion” or “ There’s plenty of time yet for that stuff.” But, the PLUS plan did not call for ringing doorbells. With the courtesy gift card accom­ panying the first issue of PLUS a warm feeling of receptiveness is im­ mediately created. The simplified program calls for Christian families or couples to provide a definite list of names of those for whom they are subscribing to PLUS. They agree to pray daily for the salvation of these people. They also agree to be alert to any opportunity to present Christ to them. Young’s slogan is “ Every Christian home a mission station; every un­ reached family a mission field.” He also believes that if every Christian family would take seven or eight families or couples upon their hearts for daily prayer and follow-up, none would be left without a chance to become evangelized. Every home could be opened to the Gospel.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lindquist talk with Director Woodrow T. Young of Plus Enterprises about registration of names who will receive Plus. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lindquist were students at The Bible Institute of Los Angeles.

AUGUST, 1961




Dr. Willard M. Aldrich

57:20, 21). How true this is! There are known causes of unrest and worry common to us all. How to pay the bills; how to regain lost health; how to succeed in business; how to gain a sense of security in the love of family and friends, are some of the things which cause us worry. Then there is the oft-named dread of atomic destruction, and the un­ named fear of judgment after death. “ It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgm enf’ (He­ brews 9:27). Do you need a vacation from worry? Do you want confidence in place of fear? Are there inner ten­ sions and frustrations which destroy your peace of heart? Then you need what Christ alone can give. He can give you rest—rest from all fears— rest in Divine forgiveness from all your sins. Hear and heed His invitation, and take a permanent vacation from worry: “ Come unto me, cdl y e that labour and are heavy laden, and I w ill give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and low ly in heart: and y e shall find rest unto your souls” (Matthew 11:28, 29). Available in tract form from the Amer­ ican Tract Society, 513 West 166th Street, New York.

all that have needed relaxation ana recreation. We discover that there are deep and demanding cries for inner peace, which neither mountain quiet­ ness nor pounding surf can fully sat­ isfy. With the Psalmist we must confess that we have lifted up our eyes “ unto the hills” —we have sought help from the beauties of nature— only to dis­ cover, “M y help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:1, 2). We need a vacation from worry. Strangely enough, the word is not found in the Bible, and little wonder, for the one who trusts the God of the Bible will have no occasion to worry. This wonderful truth is given beautiful expression by the prophet Isaiah: “ Thou w ilt keep him in per­ fect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust y e in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength ’ (Isaiah 26:3, 4). The same prophet sees the restless­ ness of thehuman soul which has not found its peace and rest in God. The very seashore to which thousands re­ pair for recreation and rest is used to describe that restlessness: “ The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked” (Isaiah

a T h a t you need is a good vaca- W tion.” This is one bit of advice most of us are prepared to hear. “Yes, sir,” we reply in chorus, “ what I need is a good vacation — a chance to get away from it all, to relax and not have a worry in the world.” What goes to make up this good vacation is pretty much the same for most of us. We want to relax. We want to get out of the routine of ordinary life. We want to shed re­ sponsibility. We want a change and we want rest. How and where to get such a vaca­ tion varies with all of us. To some, the mountains are the answer. A good fishing stream satisfies another. The seashore brings to others a complete sense of relaxed well-being. A chang­ ing panorama of mountains, lakes and shores from behind the wheel of a car means vacation to uncounted thousands. But it is possible to return from a good vacation to discover that the change we needed was not a change of pace nor a change of place, but a change of heart. Getting away from it all may have helped to ease ten­ sions and to forget worries, but it did not solve them. The vacation gave respite, but not permanent relief. We discover that body and mind are not



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