Sponsor a K o rean Orphan Now caring for over 8,000 orphans in our 98 TRUE CHRISTIAN orphanages. But hundreds are still ab solutely HOMELESS! For only $8 a month you, your Sunday school class or other group can fully support a child and send him or her to school. You get the child’s picture, life story and mailing address: also the orphanage history and group picture. You can write or send parcels any time you wish. Replies are prompt. Sponsors are THRILLED and BLESSED with this PERSONAL contact.
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b e t t e n ,
News of missionary, orphan and relief activities of the American Mission to Greeks
New Testament interpretation from the original Greek Text NEW TESTAMENT LIGHTS
by Glenn Miller This past week a letter came to my daughter Ann from her camp counsellor of last year. This letter was written by Ann last summer at the close of two weeks at Camp Cherith, the Pioneer Girls Camp in the San Bernardino Mountains. The letter, which she wrote, was placed in an envelope, sealed, addressed to her self, and given to her counsellor. Now that young people are sharing in camp experi ences again, this wise counsellor has mailed the letter to Ann to allow her to look at the decisions she made and to spur her to attend Camp again this year. Camp Cherith August 25, 1960 Dear Lord, This year I want my life to really count for You. Most of all I want to experience that joy which comes only from walking and talking each day with You. Right now l want to make a cove nant with You and 1 w ill take time for devotions with You each day. Not only w ill 1 read the Bible, but also l want You to talk to me through the Bible and through prayer. Above all, 1 want to keep so close to You that I shall always hear your voice when You speak to me and that 1 shall never miss Your w ill and Your way for me. Please give me the courage to wit ness for You and keep me so close to You that l shall always see the op portunity. I ask that You w ill give me more of Your Spirit that l might be able to dig deeper into Your Word and to find the wonderful things waiting for me there. This year 1 pray that the things 1 do may always be a help to others and magnify You. Ann
with Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary of the American Mission to Greeks, Inc.
Featuring the finest in sacred music
Write today for your F R E E radio log: NEW TESTAMENT LIGHTS P. O. B O X 423
coming in September "W H A T 'S W RONG W ITH THE MO RA L RE A R M A M E N T M O V EM EN T ? " by Dr. Louis T. Talbot
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