King's Business - 1961-08

talking it over with Dr. Clyde M. Narramore

Dr. Narramore, graduate of Columbia University, New York City, is a psychologist and Consultant in Research and Guidance with one of the largest school systems in the United States.

The solution, of course, will come when he too finds Christ as his per­ sonal Saviour. Then and only then will they walk in harmony. Until that time they will be going in op­ posite directions. You have a special responsibility now to this lady. First, of all, you can encourage her to talk things over with you. This will give her a great deal of emotional release and it will help her to think things through clearly. The best way to think things out is to talk them out. And you can give her this opportunity if you encourage her to do most of the talking. You can also help this lady by lead­ ing her into a deeper, closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. Living with an unsaved mate is a very difficult job. But she can do it if she is growing spiritually every day herself. So it is important that you help her to grow in the things of Christ. "F EA R " A N D "CO U N T R Y " Question: 7 have a great problem of “fear.” I am afraid of blizzards and snow storms. 1 get panicky when it storms — 7 always fear being snow­ bound or being killed in an electrical storm. M y husband says we can move to the city where l am not bothered. But is this running away from my problem? 7 think this all started when 7 had a terrible experience once, al­ most dying in a snow storm. Answer: Wherever you live, you will have this fear to some degree, al­ though probably much less in a city. The fear is in you, not in your loca­ tion. What you need is to see a profes­ sionally-trained person. You should seek help from a psychiatrist or psy­ chologist for several sessions. You will find this problem clearing up. Many others like you have found help. As you devote yourself to God and read His Word, He will give you more confidence.

you happiness by surrendering com­ pletely to His will. May I suggest you secure my book, This Way to Happiness. It will bring you much encouragement and chal­ lenge to your own heart. You may also want to see a profes­ sional counselor to find the roots of your problem. A Gospel minister may be especially helpful. Question: / am writing on behalf of a woman who is at the breaking point. This woman’s husband absolutely for­ bids her to go to church, read the Bible, or teach their small children concerning the things of God. As near as I can tell, this attitude developed after the w ife went to the altar during revival meetings in a certain church. When she related her experience to her husband, he sudden­ ly turned very bitter. This couple has gone to a marriage counselor, and the person who inter­ viewed them recommended that the w ife give in completely to the hus­ band on this matter of religion. It seems to me that this was poor counseling, especially since the w ife has some rather strong feelings rela­ tive to her duty in the other direction. Her convictions bother her so very much that she fears she’ll lose her mind. What advice can 1 give her? Answer: It is not surprising that after this lady gave her heart to Christ that her husband turned bitter. We read in the Word, “ Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new” (II Corin­ thians 5:17). In other words, this woman is evidently saved now and indwelt by the Holy Spirit This new condition has undoubtedly convicted her husband so that now they have very little in common. LIFE W ITH AN UNSAVED HUSBAND


Question: 7 am a teen-age girl — six­ teen years old. I have five other sisters and three brothers which I have to care for. Being the oldest, it is very hard to get along well. Would you please send information on “how to get along with each other?” Answer: It is not easy to be sixteen- years-old, the oldest in the family, and to have the responsibilities of caring for eight brothers and sisters. I don’t think anyone could perform such a job with ease. However, there are some things that you can do to improve your situation. It is important that you learn not to argue with your brothers and sisters. When they say something you dis­ agree with, do not argue. Instead, ask them to tell you more how they feel. This will enable them to get rid of their strong feelings and act differ­ ently. Naturally, you do not have to agree or disagree with what they have said. You will find that this will keep arguing down to a minimum. It is important also that you have a close walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. This means reading your Bible every day, talking to the Lord in prayer and memorizing His Word. If you do this, you will draw very close to Him and you will find yourself maturing to such an extent that you will be able to live a sweet, Godly life amid tur­ moil. I SA ID M Y MARR IAGE VOWS BUT DID NOT M EAN THEM Question: Before I was married, 7 knew I did not love my husband. I said the vows, but didn't rriean them. Are they valid? W e have been married twenty years. Answer: Of course your vows are valid. You are legally married. Even though you may not be happy, God can give



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