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book reviews
by Arnold D. Ehlert Librarian, Biala Collage
of General Ballington Booth, who founded and for many years was the leader of The Volunteers of America. The story of Ballington is a story by itself, but “The Little Mother,” as Maud was called, shines out in the history of American social work with nearly as much brilliance as Jane Adams and Florence Nightengale. She met Ballington in The Salvation Army in England, and after their marriage they were sent to America in command of the United States forces of that organization. Disagree ment and dissatisfaction over the mili tary organization and practice of the Army, and particularly the arrogance of General William Booth in his later years, caused them to resign from the Army and to begin the American organization. Among the outstanding works of Maud Booth were the or ganization of Volunteer P r i s o n Leagues and the opening of Hope Halls for paroled and released pris oners. The book is a thrilling account of a lifelived with charm, vigor, de votion, and success. 284 pages; cloth; Thomas H. Nelson & Sons, New York; $5.00. While not a religious book, this manual will be found very useful by mothers and teachers. The activities are arranged in five areas of devel opment: mental health, social, physi cal, language, and intellectual. They are geared to the mental age of six, and are suitable for various chronolo gical ages, as well as for the whole family. In fact, there are many ac tivities here that could be profitably used for the normal child and family. Handicraft skills, table work, musi cal, and other games are described and illustrated with drawings. Basic explanations of needs and procedures are provided. 224 pages; cloth; Abing don Press, Nashville; $4.00. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request. Play Activities for The Retarded Child By Bernice W . Carlson and David R. Ginglend
Danger Ahead; A Christian Approach to Some Current Problems By C. W . Scudder
Every now and then one wants late statistics on crime and corruption. The author has brought together some frightening facts and presents them graphically. These cover a wide range of subjects: economics, Roman Cath olicism, syndicated crime, juvenile delinquency, salacious literature, and the like. The book is not all pessimis tic, however. A basic strategy is set forth in the latter half. The individ ual, as well as the church, is chal lenged to a consecration and a pro gram of action that will meet the issues and help to stem the tide of evil. 179 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville; $3.25. The Gospel in the Old Testament By Don Brandeis “Having studied Old Testament his tory and the Hebrew language for eight years, and having seen the enig ma of Jesus Christ revealed through the Torah and the Prophets, it has been the sincere prayer of my heart that I be given grace by our Teacher to put on paper some of the revela tions of the Old Testament usually obscured and untested in Judaical Christianity, yet revelations so power fully beautiful and commanding to the intellect and imagination that they pour forth new life to those who have ears to hear.” Thus begins the author in his introduction. He is a Hebrew Christian and ministers as Evangelist-at-large affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Reversing the process of looking at the Old Testament from the New Testament vantage point, the author places himself in the Old Testament and discovers there many wonderful things about Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Saviour, and High Priest. He deals in other chapters with angels, Satan, the Scriptures, and other themes. The thoughts are good, but the book suffers from fragmentation. 188 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $3.95.
"Humberd's Bible Charts" Thirty-three charts with a page of explanation. Size 5% x 14V4 inches. PRICE $1.25 Send for Catalogue Add Postage Get 42 of HumbercTs books for $12.60 HUMBERD PRESS Box K, Flora, Indana
New Titles—Focal Pamphlet Series The Christian Calling by Virgil Vogt No. 6 in _the Series. Re-examines the Chris tian calling to the ministry or to any walk of life. Points out the importance of the sense of vocation. Helpful to every Christian; ideal for group distribution. Ready August 15. 48 pp..................................— .....................................50c No. 5 in the Series. Western Christianity must rethink missionary effort says the au thor. Reviewing missionary methods, a re turn to evangelism as in the Apostolic Church is urged. Here are ideas that could change the course of history. 24 pp. ;------- ;............................ 35c Other Titles in the Focal Pamphlet Series No. 1— Integration! W ho’s Prejudice? Kraus 35c No. 2— Church and Community Burkholder 30c No. 3— Ecumenical Movement and the Faith Church ___ __________ Yoder 50c No. 4 — Biblical Revelation and Inspiration Bender 35c Order from your Bookseller or Dept. KB HERALD PRESS Scottdale, Pa. As Yon Go by John Howard Yoder
Look Up and Hope By Susan F. W elty
One of America’s most noble wom en was Maud Ballington Booth, wife
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