Unlikely Saints of the Bible By William C. Fletcher
A rather different type of book on Bible biography is this. The author picked eleven of the more ornate characters and presented them in short, somewhat fictionalized word portraits. Imagination plays upon the basic facts of the Scriptural accounts and fills in details to produce living beings of charm and brilliance. For those who appreciate and can handle this kind of writing, these studies will be quite stimulating. 144 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub. House, G r a n d Rapids; $2.95. SAY 'YES' TO LIFE by Anna B. Mow. 152 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. Eugenia Price characterizes this book in her Introduction to it: "Say 'Yes' to Life! is dynamite to 'phariseeism/ fresh air to per sonalities smothered in dogma, nourishment for growth to stunted souls, and a green light to the adventurous ones who dare to follow the big God of the New Testament." DEVOTIONS AND DIALOGS FOR WOMEN by Wilma L. Shaffer. 123 pages; paper; Standard Pub. Co., Cincinnati; $1.50. One dozen pieces in each category for the use of program planners and participaters. FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT by S. K. Dodson. 110 pages; cloth; Greenwich Book Publishers, New York; $2.75. A study of the Biblical doc trines of darkness and light in their spiritual meanings. The author has made a lengthy study of these two subjects and offers some interest ing and useful insights, which are frequently il lustrated by literary quotations. THE SCHOOL IN THE HIMALAYAS by Eliza beth Pritchard. 160 pages; cloth; Pickering & Inglis, London; 6/6 (about $1.00). Exciting ad venture story of a mountain school for boys in India. A spy intrique and an earthquake are among the elements of the plot. THE EPISTLES TO THE CORINTHIANS by Herschel H. Hobbs. 127 pages; paper; Baker Book House; Grand Rapids; $ 1.95. These two books bring to an even dozen now the number of the Shield Bible Study Helps series. Their size belies the rich and carefully prepared com ments contained in them. Full account is taken of the original texts, but the Greek words are transliterated. Full outlines are provided. SO YOU WORK WITH KINDERGARTNERS by Dorothy Nicholson. 64 pages; paper; Warner Press, Anderson, Ind.; $1.00. RESPONSIBLE ADULTS IN THE CHURCH SCHOOL PROGRAM by Irene Smith Caldwell. 96 pages; paper; Warner Press, Anderson, Ind.; $1.25. Helpful suggestions in two divergent areas. The latter is adapted to use as a study group manual. THE MINISTER'S HANDBOOK OF DEDICA TIONS by William H. Leach, ed. 144 pages; cloth; Abingdon Press, Nashville; $2.00. Around fifty different occasions provide opportunities for a formal or semi-formal service. Those who like the liturgical form of worship will appreciate the many samples here given, and all can derive ideas to fit almost any occasion where some thing of this kind is needed. REVELL'S SERMON OUTLINE SERIES: Sermon Outlines from the Four Gospels, by C. L. McGinty; Sermon Outlines from God's Word, by W. H. Compton; Sermon Outlines from the book of Acts, by Faris D. Whitesell; Salvation Sermon Out lines, by W. H. Compton; paper; 64 pages each; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, NJ.; $1.00 each. These are perforated sheets punched to fit a standard sermon book with three-hole punch and 5y2 x8V2 inch pages. They are selected outlines and the sources are given. EFFECTIVE READINGS FOR SPECIAL DAYS AND OCCASIONS by Laura* S. Emerson. 118 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. Special occasions often call for special material, and it is not always easy to find what one wants in a hurry. This collection covers the chief holidays, and such occasions as a bridal shower, missionary gathering, patriotic occasions, Mother's and Father's Day, etc. TIME OUT; DAILY DEVOTIONS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE by Al Bryant. Unpaged; cloth; Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. These selec tions are snort and cover a full year. The book is designed as a gift to the graduate. AUGUST, 1961 BOOK ENDS_______ (A Review of Current Publications)
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