King's Business - 1961-08

c l 1 L V.v, T S 1 c r r 111 Q U E b y B etty Bruechert A r e a d e r a s k s : “Are the Christa- delphians sound in the faith?” Emphatically, they are not! A book­ let published in Feb. 1944 by the Pomona branch of the Christadel- phians, along with the constitution and statement of faith, lists 35 “ Doc­ trines to be R e j e c t e d Space allows quotation of but 12 of these, but since all are cardinal, fundamental doc­ trines of the Bible, they are sufficient to show how utterly this cult departs from the faith in spite of the great show Christadelphians make of being “ people of the Bible.” Here, then, are 12 doctrines they REJECT: “ That God is three persons. That the Son of God was co-etemal with the Father. That Christ’s nature was immaculate. That the Holy Spirit is a person distinct from the Father. That man has an immortal soul. That man consciously exists in death. That the wicked will suffer eternal torture in hell. That the righteous will ascend to the kingdom beyond the skies when they die. That the devil is a supernatural being. That the dead rise in an immortal state. That the Gospel alone will save without the obedience of Christ’s commandments. That baptism is not necessary to sal­ vation.” These teachings closely re­ semble those of Jehovah Witnesses (and their Russellite offshoots) in the no-hell, no-devil, annihilation-of-the- wicked, anti-Trinitarian, rejection-of- the-deity-of-Christ c o n c e p t s and Seventh-Day Adventism in soul-sleep, sinful-hiunan-nature-of-Christ views, and emphasis upon “ commandment­ keeping.” The cult was founded in the U.S. about 1844 by a John Thomas who emigrated from England in 1832, as­ sociated for a time with the Disciples of Christ, then broke with them and denounced them as “ apostate.” Of their teachings he seems to have re­ tained only that of baptismal regen­ eration, hence the Christadelphian view that baptism is necessary for sal­ vation. Thomas added non-resistance to his creed which made it necessary during the Civil War for his follow­ ers to identify themselves, so they coined a name from the Greek words, Christou adelphoi ( “ b r e t h r e n in Christ” ) and called their churches by the Greek word for “ called-out one” ecclesias.

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AUGUST, 1961


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