.. e & to p cu i. co w a t e Q a tx A j G btJhj ( p i i^ O ct> u C o p c f a 'lo d c u ÿ . . . C W S B [Box 413-K I Redondo Beach, Calif.
L ord , please let our teacher be back to school today. I can’t stand that substitute.” A small titter gathered momentum as the family heard the impassioned prayer of the nine-year-old. (There are times when family worship is not so “worshipful,” but the pattern is being set and the children are learn ing the faithfulness of God, their Father, in answering prayer.) “ Ardyth, it isn’t kind to say you ‘can’t stand’ your substitute teacher. You don’t want to hurt her, do you?” “No, Mama. But she doesn’t know I don’t like her.” “While the one you like is sick, Ardyth, ask the Lord to help you like the teacher taking the place of Mrs. Fry. I’m sure she likes boys and girls, or she wouldn’t be teaching fourth •grade. Perhaps she is a bit nervous, and that makes all of you think she doesn’t like you. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much you will like her if you ask your Fa ther in heaven to help you to like her. W ill you do that, Sweetie?” “ Yes, Mommie. I don’t feel good in my heart when I don’t like someone.” As Ardyth prayed that evening just before going to bed Mother pondered and marvelled anew at the power of love in the lives of individuals. Once her little girl tried to understand how Miss Substitute Teacher felt, much of her largely unfounded dislike dis appeared. How truly the Word says: “ Love is kind. Love worketh no i l l . . ” Mother owes Mrs. Fry a note. It will read something like this. “Dear Teacher, Thank you so much for lov ing those fourth graders — and my daughter in particular. It is no longer a mystery to me why Ardyth has sailed through this school year with such exuberance and with unexpect edly high grades. Your obvious love for your students has inspired her to nobility. If she has learned nothing else this school year has been most profitable, for she saw and experi enced love in action. For this I shall always be grateful to you and to the Lord Jesus Christ Whom you love. Sincerely, Ardyth’s Mother.”
Presenting a tour-fold concept of the ministry of the Gospel^ founded on a thorough training in English Bible, Biblical languages, Systematic The ology. and Practical Theology.
For further information, catalogue, bulletin, and other data, write to DIRECTOR, TALBOT THEOLOGICAL SEM IN A R Y 13800 B IO LA AVE., L A M IR A D A , CALIF.
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AUGUST, 1961
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