^J~*HIS B E A U T IF U L F L A G is the emblem o f our free nation. O u r history books tell us that the pilgrim fathers came to America because they wanted freedom to worship God . This freedom was won after long years o f hardship and struggle. M any brave men gave their lives and shed their blood in order to w in this freedom. N ow we have a Constitution which promises liberty and justice for all. This flag reminds us o f the Lord Jesus Christ and what H e did to obtain freedom for us. Red — H is blood. "A n d H e said unto them , This is m y blood o f the new testament, which is shed for many” (M k . 1 4 : 2 4 ) . White — H is purity and righteousness. H e knew no sin (2 Cor. 1 : 2 1 ) ; H e was w ithout sin ( H e b . 4 : 1 1 ) .
Blue — The color o f heaven which reminds us o f Christ’s deity. H e is God (Jn. 1 : 1 ) .
Stars — There are many kinds o f stars mentioned in the Bible. Perhaps the one most familiar to us is the one that led the wisemen to the house where the Christ child was. The Lord H im self tells us that H e is the "b r igh t and morning star” (R ev . 2 2 : 1 6 ) . H e is also called the "d a y star” (2 Pet. 1 : 1 9 ) .
Stripes — "H e was wounded for our transgressions, H e was bruised for our iniquities, . . . and w ith H is stripes we are healed” (Isa. 1 3 : 1 ) . The Lord Jesus was beaten, slapped, spat upon, and scourged before H e was finally nailed to the cross. Because H e was w ill ing to suffer, we are saved. H e shed H is blood on the cross to free us from the power o f Satan and from
the bondage o f sin. H e paid the price for our freedom. W e do not have to work for it, and we do not have to wait for it. The moment we receive the Lord Jesus as our Saviour this freedom is ours. W e do no t know how long the Un ited States can remain a free na tion, but we do know that the free dom the Lord gives us w ill last fo r - ‘ ever. W e have the written guarantee for this freedom right here in G od ’s W o rd (Jn. 8 : 3 1 - 3 6 ) .
AN OBJECT LESSON by Alice W . Chin D o you know that every un saved person is in Satan’s hand? H e is the prince o f this world (Jn . 1 2 : 3 1 ) . I f you have not accepted the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, Satan can make you a servant o f sin. Do you want to be freed from Satan’s power? You can be freed right now by asking the Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart. AUGUST, 1961 37
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