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COLLEGE PRESIDENT IS THANKFUL Recently I read your article on the subject, “ Is Indoctrination Our Business?” (March 1961). I thank God for the clear discernment and the deep spiritual con viction and fair evaluation it reveals. May God continue to bless you in your great work. Monroe Parker, President, Pillsbury College, Owatonna, Minnesota. RICH BLESSING . . . IN HOME W e certainly enjoy every issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS. W e would not want to be without it in our home. It has been a rich blessing to us. May the Lord abun dantly bless each one who has a part in making the magazine such a blessing. Mrs. J. Lesley Bremer, Washbum, Maine. M IN IST R Y INCREASES Before leaving Los Angeles, I received the May issue of THE KING’S BUSI NESS and I wish to thank you for the fine write-up you gave our church (Cup of Cold Water Ministry). Thank you for your confidence in this work and your friendship. Since the article was written for your magazine, the missionary figures have increased to the $400,000 bracket in stead of the $200,000. Shipping of cargo is now four tons per week and instead of the figure that was given we have at this time shipped more than 200 tons of cargo. I thought you would be glad to see the advance . . . 15 tons, 1958; 90 tons, 1959; 120 tons, 1960; and this year we will ex ceed 200 tons plus at least $125,000 for missions. God bless you! Dr. C. T. Walberg, Congregational Church of Christ, Redondo Beach, California. Some years ago I wrote to HCJB, Quito, Ecuador to find out where they obtained some of the illustrations they used on the air. They sent me a list of four publica tions which they suggested would be of help to me . . . one of them was THE KING’S BUSINESS. I was a student preacher then; I am now pastor of a church. I enjoyed your magazine then and I enjoy it even more now. May God continue to bless and use you as you send forth the Word of Life to many parts of the world. S. J. Smith, Sutherland, Australia. READER COMM END S M AG A Z IN E Your magazine is tremendous. M y hus band and I read it as soon as we get it. Keep up the good work. Is it possible for some articles on youth to be presented? Something for junior high and high school age would be helpful. Thank you so much. Deanie Thomas, Burbank, California. ILLUSTRATIONS INTEREST STUDENT PREACHER
M AGA Z IN E REFRESHING TO READ I enjoy reading THE KING’S BUSI NESS every month, and get much inspira tion from it. It is refreshing to read a magazine that has not succumbed to the temptation of modernism or materialism. The May, 1961 cover certainly was beauti ful, and the content of the issue was great. Harry H. Horton, Jr., Jasper, Florida. THE KING’S BUSINESS is the finest most attractive Christian magazine I have ever seen. The articles are the most time ly and the features are always interesting. I’m very grateful for the privilege to re ceive such a magazine. Mrs. Jayde Wade, Downey, California. M A Y ISSUE OF SPECIAL BLESSING I received a special blessing from the May issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS. I couldn’t put it down until I had read through it. W e appreciate the stand that the magazine has taken. The article “A Cup of Cold Water” by Ray Friesz was of particular interest. Mrs. Wm. S. Little, Idaho Falls, Idaho. EDITORIAL TO BE DISTRIBUTED Thank you for so promptly sending copies of your recent article (“ Is Indoctri nation Our Business?” March issue) to Dr. Warren in Wheaton in response to our wire last week. I would like to take the liberty of mimeographing the material for distribution among Conservative Baptists and other interested parties. We, of course, would give full recognition and credit to you, Biola, and to the KING’S BUSINESS. Thank you and God bless you. Rev. Kenneth C. Knappen, Chicago, Illinois. REASONS FOR FIRST PLACE I place the KING’S BUSINESS first a m o n g Christian magazines published every month. It seems to me that it covers every needed subject. Dr. Bolton David- heiser’s “ Science and the Bible” is so thor ough on evolution and other matters of science; may he keep up the good work. The numerous and fluent articles are in tensely interesting and Dr. Talbot’s “ Ques tion Box” is very helpful. M y prayer is that the Lord will continue to bless the wonderful and growing ministry of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. H. Howard, Kansas City, Mo. Help send magazines to prisons, hospitals, military bases, missionaries. YOUR GIFTS, T A X DEDUCTIBLE, TO OUR "FREE FUND" M AKE THIS IMPORTANT M IN ISTRY POSSIBLE THE K ING 'S BUSINESS 558 S. Hope St.. Los Angeles 17, Calif. "M O S T TIMELY ARTICLES," COMMENTS READER
BROADMAN PRESS Nashville 3, Tennessee
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