King's Business - 1961-08

C lass i f ied Ads 15 CENTS PER WORD — M IN IM U M $3.00 Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stomping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York. Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding ond style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. Write for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Book­ binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. Books Needed Large collegiate group needs theology, mis­ sionary books for study, inspiration. Donations or buy cheap. Large need, low cash. Robert Seelye, 1142 Valleyhome, Whittier, Calif. Christian Homes Melvina's Guest Home for Christians. Blind per­ sons invited. 19802 Sherman Way, Canoga Park, California. Phone Dl 6-5787. Home for The Aged Several openings available in new Home for the Aged, Shatter, California. Air conditioned, private bath, reasonable rates. Write for further informa­ tion. Mennonite Brethren Home for the Aged, 250 E. Tulare Ave., Shatter, California. Miscellaneous We have a number of used postal stamps from Ghana, Nigeria and Liberia for sale. The pro­ ceeds aid in educating and evangelizing deaf children in these countries. Interested persons may write to: Christian Mission for Deaf Africans, P.O. Box 1297, Accra, Ghana, West Africa. Music Correct and singoble hymn music composed, ar­ ranged, edited and printed. Folders free. Ray­ mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Sales Opportunities Unusual opportunities for service to all denomi­ nations and above average commission income offered to executive-type men, ministerial back­ ground. Sunday school or church work helpful. Full or part time. Write Crusaders Bible Studies, Dept. G, 4848 N.W. 10th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. GLENDALE READERS will find all of their supply needs at THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM 121 West Wilson, Glendale, California F ree In form a tion How you can study the Bible BIOLA EVENING SCHOOL Dr. Chase A. Sawtell, Director 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California

Rev. James Stewart, Auburn, N.Y., Dr. Lester Thompson, Denver, Colorado and Dr. Charles Anderson, Bloomfield, N.J. were all re-elected presidents of the three national bodies of the Con­ servative Baptist Association of Amer­ ica. Their positions respectively are for the Conservative Baptist Associa­ tion, the Conservative Baptist Foreign Missions Society and the Conservative Baptist Home Mission Society. The 18th annual meeting of CBA was held in Portland, Oregon’s new me­ morial coliseum. Gov. Mark O. Hatfield of Oregon addressed the audience. Dr. Paul B. Smith, Pastor of the Peo­ ple’s Church, Toronto, Ont. has an­ nounced that the historic property of the organization was sold for $650,- 000. This money will pay for con­ struction of a new building seating more than 2,000 people with addi-

Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, who completed the Tokyo Crusade in early June, will be fea­ tured on NBC’s telecast, “ This is Your

Meiji Auditorium, Tokyo Crusade. Life,” a summer re-run feature. Dr. Pierce received an honorary doctor of

Ed Beck, All-American basketballer. Uni­ versity of Kentucky, holds a clinic and then gives testimony during the Tokyo Crusade. law’s degree from Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea, following his crusade in the Orient. Rev. Al Metsker, acting president of the Kansas City Bible College, and Rev. Roger J. Andrus, president of Mid­ west Bible College, have announced a merger under the name of Cal­ vary Bible College. Founded in 1932 by Dr. Walter L. Wilson, Kansas City Bible College will be the loca-

Peoples Church, Toronto, Canada. tional educational facilities. Erected originally as St. James Methodist Church over 100 years ago, it was one of the many such edifices left vacant in Canada at the time of church union. It was purchased by the Peo­ ple’s Church in 1935 under the lead­ ership of Dr. Oswald J. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Denier have been assigned by the Navigators to open up a special ministry in the Philip­ pines with headquarters in Manila. Dr. Torrey M. Johnson, founder of

(See coupon on page 42 to avoid cutting cover.) THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF

Rev. Andrus Rev. Metsker tion of the newly joined schools. Rev. Andrus will be President with Rev Metsker, Vice-President. An enroll­ ment of 300 is expected for fall. Dr. Wilbur M. Smith, member of the faculty of Fuller Theological Semi­ nary, Pasadena, will be editor of “ The Collegiate Challenge,” a student magazine to be published by Campus Crusade for Christ. Mr. Bill Bright, di­ rector of CC, has reported that the first issue will be available in mid- September.

LOS ANGELES, INC. 558 South Hope St. Los Angeles 17, Calif. ATTENTION:

STEWARDSHIP DEPARTMENT □ I am interested in the Biola Fellowship and its great ministry. N A M E ................................ ADDRESS ............................ C IT Y ................................. STATE ................................

Youth for Christ, was keynote speak­ er in the recent “ Coliseum ’61 Cru­ sade” held in Spokane, Washington. More than 3,000 pastors and laymen attended the conclave.



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