King's Business - 1961-08



The official 10th Anniversary Album, produced to cele­ brate WORD RECORDS' ten years of dedication to the American home. Twenty-two selections from recently re­ leased albums. Included are songs by The White Sisters; Charles Magnuson; Frank Boggs; The Haven of Rest Quartet; J. T. Adams; Ralph Carmichael Orchestra; Bill Carle; Joe Ann Shelton; Dick Anthony Choristers; Bill Mann; Revival­ time Choir; Greg Loren; Fague Springman; Kurt Kaiser and Charles Magnuson; Bill Pearce and Dick Anthony; Ronnie Avalone; Abilene Christian Choir; Claude Rhea; Paul Mickel- son Orchestra; Lew Charles; The Melody Four Quartet; and Bill Pearce, Trombone. W-3155-LP High Fidelity • WST-8092 Stereo STEREO . . . I $ 1.98 $ 2 .4 9 OFFER Reg. $3.98 Reg. $4.98 ALSO RECEIVE FREE COUPON WORTH 40c TOWARD PURCHASE OF A N Y OTHER WORD A LBUM OTHER W ORD A LBUM S AT REGULAR PRICE • ESPECIALLY FOR YOU The White Sisters • A JOYFUL SOUND Mabel Stewart Boyter • HOW BIG IS GOD? Greg Loren 1 H I F IDEL ITY . . .

Harold DeCou created the format and background for this outstanding trio, The White Sisters, who sing such favorites as; "Heartaches”; " I Am Persuaded"; "S o Send I Y ou "; "Sunlight"; "Springs of Living Water"; "Wounded For M e "; "H ow Big Is God?"'; and others. W-3151-LP High Fidelity ........... $3.98 WST-8089-LP Stereo ................. 4.98 • A CALM RETREAT The Baptist Hour Choir Heard by millions over the 460 radio sta­ tions that regularly broadcast the "Baptist Hour," the Choir here presents 11 favor­ ites in this "Request Album ." Some of these are: "There is a Green Hill Far Away"; "Jesus is A ll The World To M e "; "O h Sacred Head"; "Seek Ye The Lord"; and 7 others. W-3143-LP High Fidelity ............$3.98 WST-8079-LP Stereo ................. 4.98

Delightful listening for adults and children, this album presents twenty seven favorite Sunday School songs, performed by an out­ standing children's choir. A "M u s t " album for every music and youth director. W-3137-LP High Fidelity Only ....$3,98 • HAVEN OF REST FAVORITES Haven of Rest Quartet Here are this wonderful Quartet's most re­ quested songs, sung in the warm, familiar style that has made them one of the best known Quartets in America today. Included in the album are: "Just A Closer Walk W ith Thee"; "W he n I Kneel Down To Pray"; "Beyond The Sunset"; "Ivory Palaces"; "Love Divine"; and 8 other favorites. W-3134-LP High Fidelity ........... $3.98 WST-8048-LP Stereo ................. 4.98

Matched with Greg Loren's outstanding voice is the Ralph Carmichael Orchestra and chorus. Songs include: "H ow Big Is God?"; " M y Father"; "Wonderful King"; " M y Lord Is M ighty"; "T h e M ighty Pow­ er of His W ord"; "S o Deep to M e "; and four more, plus a medley. W-3126-LP High Fidelity ............$3.98 WST-8066-LP Stereo ................. 4.98 • PIANO BRILLIANCE Charles Magnuson with Ralph Carmichael Orchestra One of today's finest sacred music pianists, Charles Magnuson brings to his music a fresh and delightful sound. The music: "O ver The Sunset Mountain"; "H e Lifted M e "; "Jesus Bids Us Shine"; " I Surrender A ll"; and 8 other favorites. W-3115-LP High Fidelity ..........$3.98 WST-8058-LP Stereo ................. 4.98

(To avoid cutting cover, see coupon on page 29)

B I O L A B O O K R O O M 560 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California Please send me .............. "Decade of Dedication" Albums at the special Anniversary Price of $1.98 ($2.98 for Stereo) and the Albums listed below at the regular price . . . $3.98 for High Fidelity; $4.98 for Stereo. Add 35c to each order to cover postage and California Sales Tax. Enclosed is $....................... .......... Cash .......... Check .......... Money Order Name .......................... 1................................... Address ............................. .............................. City ................................... State ...................

B I O L A B O O K R O O M 560 So. Hope Street • Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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