The official 10th Anniversary Album, produced to cele brate WORD RECORDS' ten years of dedication to the American home. Twenty-two selections from recently re leased albums. Included are songs by The White Sisters; Charles Magnuson; Frank Boggs; The Haven of Rest Quartet; J. T. Adams; Ralph Carmichael Orchestra; Bill Carle; Joe Ann Shelton; Dick Anthony Choristers; Bill Mann; Revival time Choir; Greg Loren; Fague Springman; Kurt Kaiser and Charles Magnuson; Bill Pearce and Dick Anthony; Ronnie Avalone; Abilene Christian Choir; Claude Rhea; Paul Mickel- son Orchestra; Lew Charles; The Melody Four Quartet; and Bill Pearce, Trombone. W-3155-LP High Fidelity • WST-8092 Stereo STEREO . . . I $ 1.98 $ 2 .4 9 OFFER Reg. $3.98 Reg. $4.98 ALSO RECEIVE FREE COUPON WORTH 40c TOWARD PURCHASE OF A N Y OTHER WORD A LBUM OTHER W ORD A LBUM S AT REGULAR PRICE • ESPECIALLY FOR YOU The White Sisters • A JOYFUL SOUND Mabel Stewart Boyter • HOW BIG IS GOD? Greg Loren 1 H I F IDEL ITY . . .
Harold DeCou created the format and background for this outstanding trio, The White Sisters, who sing such favorites as; "Heartaches”; " I Am Persuaded"; "S o Send I Y ou "; "Sunlight"; "Springs of Living Water"; "Wounded For M e "; "H ow Big Is God?"'; and others. W-3151-LP High Fidelity ........... $3.98 WST-8089-LP Stereo ................. 4.98 • A CALM RETREAT The Baptist Hour Choir Heard by millions over the 460 radio sta tions that regularly broadcast the "Baptist Hour," the Choir here presents 11 favor ites in this "Request Album ." Some of these are: "There is a Green Hill Far Away"; "Jesus is A ll The World To M e "; "O h Sacred Head"; "Seek Ye The Lord"; and 7 others. W-3143-LP High Fidelity ............$3.98 WST-8079-LP Stereo ................. 4.98
Delightful listening for adults and children, this album presents twenty seven favorite Sunday School songs, performed by an out standing children's choir. A "M u s t " album for every music and youth director. W-3137-LP High Fidelity Only ....$3,98 • HAVEN OF REST FAVORITES Haven of Rest Quartet Here are this wonderful Quartet's most re quested songs, sung in the warm, familiar style that has made them one of the best known Quartets in America today. Included in the album are: "Just A Closer Walk W ith Thee"; "W he n I Kneel Down To Pray"; "Beyond The Sunset"; "Ivory Palaces"; "Love Divine"; and 8 other favorites. W-3134-LP High Fidelity ........... $3.98 WST-8048-LP Stereo ................. 4.98
Matched with Greg Loren's outstanding voice is the Ralph Carmichael Orchestra and chorus. Songs include: "H ow Big Is God?"; " M y Father"; "Wonderful King"; " M y Lord Is M ighty"; "T h e M ighty Pow er of His W ord"; "S o Deep to M e "; and four more, plus a medley. W-3126-LP High Fidelity ............$3.98 WST-8066-LP Stereo ................. 4.98 • PIANO BRILLIANCE Charles Magnuson with Ralph Carmichael Orchestra One of today's finest sacred music pianists, Charles Magnuson brings to his music a fresh and delightful sound. The music: "O ver The Sunset Mountain"; "H e Lifted M e "; "Jesus Bids Us Shine"; " I Surrender A ll"; and 8 other favorites. W-3115-LP High Fidelity ..........$3.98 WST-8058-LP Stereo ................. 4.98
(To avoid cutting cover, see coupon on page 29)
B I O L A B O O K R O O M 560 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California Please send me .............. "Decade of Dedication" Albums at the special Anniversary Price of $1.98 ($2.98 for Stereo) and the Albums listed below at the regular price . . . $3.98 for High Fidelity; $4.98 for Stereo. Add 35c to each order to cover postage and California Sales Tax. Enclosed is $....................... .......... Cash .......... Check .......... Money Order Name .......................... 1................................... Address ............................. .............................. City ................................... State ...................
B I O L A B O O K R O O M 560 So. Hope Street • Los Angeles 17, Calif.
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