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a new program to give your Sunday School teachers year-round training For the vital training and inspiration of your Sunday School teachers, the TOTAL BIBLE TEACHING PLAN is the most complete and helpful program yet. It will help you attract new pupils—and their families. It will help your Sunday School grow. Packed into the new expanded TEACH are the ideas, the aids, the practical, down-to-earth “how to do it” helps thatmake for good teaching. A copy of TEACH Magazine will be sent at no extra cost with each Gospel Light teacher’s book ordered. TEACH Magazine has already received highest awards for evangelical publishing, in the 1960 Evangelical Press Association competition—Best Sunday School Magazine, and grand prize title —Periodical of the Year. Now, expanded to 64 pages, TEACH contains such rewarding features as “Stairways of Learning” to help you understand each age and grade; ideas from “Their Teen-Age Program Gets Results” ; “A Balanced Bible Diet for Adults” ; “Great Sunday School Series” studies of successful Sunday Schools; many more articles and departments. Have you seen t e a c h ? If not, send now for your f r e e review copy of the Fall ’61 issue!
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Gospel Light’s'Total BibleTeaching Plan” features award-winning TEACH Magazine FREE with every teacher’s book
Also free! Colorful wall chart explains the Gospel Light TOTAL BIBLE TEACHING PLAN
See your authorized Gospel Light Dealer or send coupon Gospel Light Publications, Dept. TK81 Glendale 5, California or Mound, Minnesota Please send, for my review without cost or obligation, a free sample of the Fall issue of TEACH, together with colorful wall chart explaining the TOTAL BIBLE TEACHING PLAN.
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AUGUST, 1961
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