King's Business - 1961-08

WhistlingIn The hark

by Dr. S. H. Sutherland

It has been noted previously on these pages that there are grave and disturbing signs which indicate a definite decline of vital convictions on the part of many out­ standing denominational leaders in regard to the great historic doctrines of the Prot­ estant church. This fact, of course, has affected the entire spiritual life of Prot­ estantism in these United States. This trend has been pointed up in such articles as "Can Protestantism Hold Its Own in Modern America?", February Fortune; "Can City Churches Survive?", March issue of Look; "Protestant Churches Must Face Facts", April issue of Church Management ; and ^A Post Protestant Era", from the recent book, "The New Shape of American Religion." These are but a few of many such articles which have appeared within the past several months. Instead of emphasizing the pertinent question, "What's Wrong with the Protestant Church of America?" a recent article phrased its title as follows: "Has America Lapsed Into a Post-Protestant Era?"* The author purports to point out what's right with the Protestant Church in America today. It would seem to be a clear case of "whistling in the dark". Some of the reasons given in the article for thinking that the Protest­ ant Church is actually progressing are: (1) "Thirty-five percent of all Americans pres­ ently belong to Protestant Churches, as op­ posed to five percent of the population in the early years of American history" (2) "The churches today have a very wide popu­ lar appeal; church attendance is higher in this country than in Protestant churches of other countries;" (3) "Protestantism in America has become big business" (4) "Re­ ligious education is making new strides" (5) "The renewal of interest in religion is indicated by the use of religious litera­ ture. . . Although earlier generations may have had a better knowledge of the catech­ ism, Protestant theology, Protestant prin­ ciples and the content of the Bible, Prot­ estants today are doubtless better in­ formed about the church's program and its focus on world affairs." There are statements in the article which are worthy of favorable comment, but this last quotation expresses the attitude THE KING'S BUSINESS

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4:00 P.M.—Sundays Church of the Open Door (lower auditorium) 6th and Hope St., Los Angeles sponsored by the JEW ISH DEPARTMENT Church of the Open Door Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Dr. DanieJ Rose, Director Rev. Norman Allensworth, Supt. Write for free tracts for Jewish friends.

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