The AI Toolkit for K-12 Education


These days, it may seem like the term “AI” or artificial intelligence is just about everywhere. You might think of AI as THE buzzword of the 2020s (and in some ways it is). However, AI is not a new concept, and you probably use this technology all the time without even thinking about it.

What is AI, anyway?

In simple terms, AI is making machines smart enough to do tasks that only people used to do well. This includes things like solving problems, making decisions, and learning from experience.

Is this science fiction come to life?

Not quite. While AI is the term our society has chosen to describe this technology, it is not the “robots taking over the world” that authors warned us of. No machine exists today that can make decisions and create things without some type of human involvement. These machines must be trained by humans with knowledge, skills, and judgement. Therefore, the term “artificial intelligence” is not entirely accurate. A more accurate term is “machine intelligence. ”

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