Becoming a warrior “In May 2012, I got baptized at my church and shortly after- ward, felt called to go on a mis- sion trip,” Cedric recalls. “My brother-in-law was going to the Dominican Republic with an or- ganization called Chiropractors with Compassion, so I decided to join him. As a direct result of that trip, I was invited to join Warrior Coaching and my life hasn’t been the same since.” “The moment I walked into Warrior, I just knew I was going to find the ‘more’ I’d been look- ing for,” he says. Originally developed by and for chiropractors, Warrior Coach- ing is an all-encompassing, faith- based program that focuses on
training the whole person—spir- it, soul and body. Each Warrior participant makes a commitment to be coached for a minimum of 12 months and during that time, takes part in a variety of personal development seminars, confer- ence calls and one-on-one coach- ing sessions. “For me, one of the best parts of my Warrior experience has been learning how to step into fear and take action,” says Cedric. “They teach you how to dream again, set goals for yourself, and be more accountable for the decisions you make.” Shedding 40 pounds over the last five years is only the begin- ning of Cedric’s personal trans- formation. His entire lifestyle has
Broke and addicted, Cedric humbled himself and came back to Tillsonburg. By then, Henri was an owner at Friedrich Deco- rating and was doing a consider- able amount of work in the com- mercial and contracting sectors. “When I came back to the busi- ness, my dad worked me so hard I literally didn’t have time to do anything else,” Cedric says. Mercifully, by 2012, the tur- bulence of Cedric’s twenties was largely a memory. He was mar- ried, had two beautiful daugh- ters, and had purchased the fam- ily business. “So many things had changed for the better and yet I still re- member feeling like there was something missing,” he says.
(Left) In 2018, Nu-Decor was honoured with the Tillsonburg District Chamber of Commerce Business Improvement Award. In 2016, the company received the Environmental Award for developing a paint recycling program.
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