changed since joining Warrior. He now begins each day with spiritual disciplines and has reo- ganized his life to prioritize one- on-one time with his family. “I really try to limit myself to 40 hours at work,” he says. “I’m not always successful at it, but I’ve come to see that balance in life is really important.” When he is at work, Cedric says he now has a much keener sense of direction and purpose. “I’m more willing to take risks now,” he says. “Not stupid risks,
cling company) and Simply 360 Carefree Living (a new town- house development). “There are so many construc- tion horror stories out there,” he continues. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve shown up on a job site and found that people haven’t done what they said they would do, or have left a problem for the next guy to handle. It’s in- credibly frustrating.” Cedric’s vision is to take the powerful leadership principles he’s learned through Warrior Coaching, and put them into practice as a developer and entre- preneur. “With Nu-Decor, our mission is to transform lives through the power of colour and design,” he explains. “Simply 360 is the logi- cal next step where we’re bringing partners together who share our values and working to transform the construction industry.” “Will we make mistakes? Prob- ably,” he says. “But the important thing is that we learn from them and never stop striving for excel- lence—for ourselves, for our cli- ents and our industry.”
but risks that make sense.” He recently opened a spray shop for example, to enable him to as- sist clients doing kitchen renova- tions. In 2018, he also relocated Nu-Décor from inside Verne’s Carpet One on Broadway to a larger location on Tillson Ave (a.k.a. Tillsonburg’s Renovation Alley). Aptly named the “Transfor- mation Station,” the refurbished building is also home to two new ventures, Rasco Environ- mental (an asphalt shingle recy-
(Top Left) Cedric competes in the 2013 Tilsonburg Charity Duathlon. (Top Right) The Tomico Family in 2018: Trish, Ava, Cedric and Sophia. (Bottom) Proving that it’s never too late to pursue a dream, Cedric is now taking fly- ing lessons with Tillsonburg Flying School instructor David Brandon.
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