2022 Q2

NADOA 2022 ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE Marriott River c enter – San Antonio, Texas October 26-28 , 2022 http://www.nadoa.wildapricot.org/resources/Documents/2022%20Institute/2 022%20CORPORATE%20SPONSORSHIP__DONATION%20FORM.pdf

SPONSOR DONATION FORM Thank you for your sponsorship. Your donations help with the cost of our speakers, hospitality functions, conference publications, including a compilation of our speakers’ presentations, as well as to cover general fund- administrative costs. We have attached suggested contribution levels. However, please keep in mind that these are suggestions – all contributions will be recognized. This financial support helps reduce the costs to all attendees and allows NADOA to present a professional, quality educational event . If you would like to apply your sponsorship to a specific category, you may indicate that preference below.



General Donation (includes administrative costs, door prizes, etc.) Education / Speaker Hospitality Functions Publications


Company Address

City, State, Zip Email Address Phone Number Contact Person

To assure that your name will be published in the NADOA Institute Brochure, please return your donation, along with this form to NADOA no later than August 1 , 2022. Corporate sponsorships received after this date will be published in subsequent publications. PLEASE RETURN THE FORM AND CONTRIBUTION TO: NADOA PO BOX 1656 Palm Harbor FL 34682 For questions, please contact: Vicki Danielson Melissa Fontana Corporate Donations Co-Chair Corporate Donations Co-Chair vdanielson@att.net Melissa@iberiamansys.com 713-417-7330 713-629-4490 Ext 115


N at i onal A ssociation of D i v i s i on O rder A nalys t s

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