CCI Newsletter 4 - 2021-2022

 Repairing and maintaining your unit in accordance with and subject to the Condo Act and the condo corporation ’ s declaration and by - laws;  Paying your common expense fees on time;  Notifying the condo corporation if your unit is leased; and  Attending and voting at certain meetings Along with their obligations within a community, owners wish to and need to feel welcome and appreciated. Every owner brings something to their community. They may not all wish to serve on the board of directors; but it was evident during these past years of the pandemic that kindness and compassion were obvious and invaluable among neighbours and communities.

Owners are members of your community and therefore a member of your team. Their support in whatever capacity they can share should be acknowledged and appreciated.

A potential buyer will undoubtedly have their own preferred professional connections to take them through a condominium purchase. It should be accepted however, that not all professionals are equal in their skills and knowledge necessary to share the condominium lifestyle and responsibilities of an owner, so the need to connect with professionals who have that expertise in condominiums is highly recommended.

To all of the owners who share the team effort to make their unit home and their community one to be proud of and enjoy, thank you so much.

CCI Review 2021/2022 - 4 May 2022 Page 16

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