2019-20 SaskEnergy Annual Report

Glossary of Key Success Measures


Strategic Measure

The benchmark for this measure was established using the results of the comprehensive survey conducted in 2018-19. This survey is conducted every two years and is planned again for 2020-21. The workplace diversity measures provide quantitative data for the employment of Indigenous individuals, recognized by the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission as being either underemployed or minimally employed within the province. SaskEnergy also tracks the percentage of ‘youth’ in the workforce, which is defined as employees who are 30 years of age or less. The measures are calculated by comparing the number of employees from these groups relative to the number of total employees that comprise the workforce. SaskEnergy statistics related to employment equity are tracked and reported internally and are also reported to the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission annually. This measure is a composite of two separate metrics: • Lost Time Frequency Rate - measures the frequency in which lost time injuries have occurred. A standard duration is used to normalize the results so that company comparisons can be made despite differing workforce sizes. A lost time injury is an injury that resulted in lost work time following the day of the injury. • Medical Aid Frequency Rate - records the frequency of injuries that require medical attention. Results are normalized so that company comparisons can be made despite differing workforce sizes. A medical aid injury is an injury that requires medical attention, but no working time is lost beyond the day of the injury. • And is calculated based on the most recent five-year TRIF average, minus 10 per cent. The term ‘leak’ is defined as any unplanned release of product from the distribution system. The methodology for this metric was developed and standardized in 2013 by the Canadian Gas Association (CGA) for inter- jurisdictional comparison purposes, and the SaskEnergy data on leaks per 1,000 kilometres of mains aligns with CGA reporting methodology. The term ‘failure’ is defined as any unplanned release of product from the gas line body. This measure aligns with the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association’s (CEPA) definition and statistics, which the Corporation uses as a benchmark. The definition does not include small leaks on fittings and valve bodies. For reference, the CEPA five-year average is 0.153.

Employee Survey

Indigenous, Youth (30 Years of Age or Less)


Strategic Measure

Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate

SaskEnergy Leaks per 1,000 Kilometres of Mains

TransGas Gas Line Failures per 1,000 Kilometres of Gas Line


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