2019-20 SaskEnergy Annual Report

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

m. Provisions Provisions are recognized when the Corporation has a present obligation, legal or constructive, as a result of a past event; it is probable that the Corporation will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation can be made. Provisions are determined by discounting the expected future cash flows at a rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the obligation. i. Decommissioning liabilities A decommissioning liability is a legal or constructive obligation associated with the decommissioning of certain natural gas facilities. The Corporation recognizes a decommissioning liability, with a corresponding increase to property, plant and equipment, in the period the facility is commissioned, provided a reasonable estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation can be determined. The estimated expenditure of a decommissioning liability is based on detailed studies that take into account various assumptions regarding the anticipated future cash flows, including the method and timing of decommissioning. The future cash flows are discounted at a credit-adjusted risk-free rate based on the yield of Government of Canada bonds. The unwinding of the discount on provisions is recognized in net income as finance expense over the estimated time period until settlement of the obligation. The corresponding increase to property, plant and equipment is depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the related asset. At each reporting date, the estimated carrying value of a decommissioning liability is reviewed with any changes recognized in the consolidated financial statements. n. Revenue SaskEnergy has the exclusive right to distribute natural gas within the province of Saskatchewan. The Corporation may purchase, distribute, sell, manufacture, produce, transport, gather, compress and store natural gas as per The SaskEnergy Act . The Corporation’s natural gas commodity revenue and transportation services are based on the consideration specified in contracts with customers. Revenue is recognized when control of the product is transferred to the customer or transportation service has been completed. This is generally at the point in time when the customer obtains legal title to the natural gas at its custody transfer point or the transportation service has been completed at the customer’s natural gas line location and collection is reasonably assured. The amount of revenue recognized is based on the consideration specified in the contract. The Corporation’s principal sources of revenues and methods applied to the recognition of these revenues in these financial statements are as follows: i. Commodity sales and delivery service Commodity sales Commodity sales contracts with customers generate revenue from the sale of natural gas to customers. Revenue is recognized at a point in time when the Corporation sells natural gas to customers, who consume the natural gas to heat their homes or operate their businesses. Title to natural gas purchased from SaskEnergy, and all related risks remain with SaskEnergy until the gas is transferred at a meter point. At the meter point, the customer takes ownership of the natural gas and the performance obligation is satisfied. The commodity charge is then billable to the customer as there are no further performance obligations outstanding.


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