of Mexicans congregate—a hot bed for i anarchy and revolution. While the location for the Mission is not quite so good as the one from which we were forced to move, yet it is a better, cleaner and larger room. And while fewer Mexicans are right in the immedi- ate vicinity of it, it is better for the Bible School and reading room and as a home for the Mexican Christians. The converts are just now being or- ganized into a band of Christian workers for more aggressive work along definite lines of Bible training and Christian service. Beginning with the evening of Octo- ber 1st, It is planned to reopen the after- noon Bibe training classes. Those to- gether with the nightly meetings give, large opportunity for splendid Christian training. There are a number who are planning to enter these classes if em- ployment can be secured for their sup- port. Pray for this work. INCIDENTS FROM THE WOMEN'S WORK An old man of eighty years, clean and sweet, depended for his salvation upon the fact that his people were earnest Christians, Plymouth Brethren, he him- self attended church occasionally, gave liberally and lived an upright life. He was like Noah's carpenters helping on the Ark but not safely harbored in it. No one had spoken to him definitely of his relation to the Lord Jesus Christ and when the way was presented he accepted • Christ gladly. The Holy Spirit witness- ed to this man in a most precious way. He was ready at all times to tell how great things God had wrought for him. A girl of eighteen, pretty and attrac- tive, whose life was one round of thea- tres, cards, dances, etc., was lead to ac- cept the Lord Jesus. After being in- structed that she must confess her sal- vation, beginning at home, she willingly did so. The unbelieving mother insisted that she must neither give up the thea- ter, etc., or refuse the wine that was served at the table. At the daughter's earnest p ; lea, the mother .was inter- viewed while the girl prayed. For three hours, with the Word of God, the way of salvation and her obligation to the Lord was studied, when the mother at last confessed herself a sinner and ac- cepted the Lord. Then came the battle of confessing to her child what she had done, but the daughter had outrun the mother. Looking into that joyous face, the child read the truth and together they confessed Him, started the family altar
dreds of men to the city and the head- quarters of these men is in Los Angeles street. THE SPANISH MISSION eosTTorth Main Street Another year has rolled around. Aug- ust first br6ught the Mission to its fifth anniversary. The event was remember- ed more quietly than usual this year on account of the epidemic of Polionylites among the children. The year has been one of battles and discouragements on the one side and God, victory and blessing on the other. While the number of meetings held, and the attendance has been better than in former years, yet the visible results are not so manifest. There were only 74 professed conversions during the year. About 20,000 tracts were distributed and hundreds of Gospels and other Chris- tian books and booklets put into circula- tion. On March first the Mission was mov- ed from 419 N. Main Street, to its pres- ent location, 608 N. Main Street. The Mission Hall is now open day and night. It is a common thing to find in the Hall almost any time of the day a number of believers discussing Bible themes. The preaching of the old Gospel has gone on night after night, both at the Plaza and at the Mission. Conditions in Mexico, and the active efforts of Atheists, infidels and anarch- ists, not only by voice, but through the vile literature so freely circulated, have made the past months more difficult, by either stirring up enmity against the Gospel or by instilling doubts and un- belief in the minds of the ignorant. The large number of Mexicans who are here and have been coming to Los Angeles, are largely from the middle and peon classes and know no religion but Romanism. No appeal can be made to Christian training or Christian ancestry, for Rome does not know or teach the Gospel. There is nothing to which to appeal in their first life but superstition and sin, as far as a reai knowledge of God is concerned, so one can readily un- derstand how that once the faith is shaken in the Roman fallacy, the poor benighted and deceived ones will turn to the opposite extreme and lay hold upon infidelity and atheism. But thank God for the Gospel of His grace and its power to save. Its influ- ence is being felt as night after night its message is given out in song, preaching and in printed page in the Spanish lan- guage at the old Plaza, where thousands
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