THE OIL F I E L D ^ y Mr. Sloan, accompanied by Mr. E. H. Peskitt, his new helper, left on Septem- ber Second for another year's campaign among the men in the Oil Fields. The wagon which has now done four years' service has been put in good shape for the long pull over the. hills, with a good stock of Bibles and literature and with the heart of the workers full of hope and love unfeigned for the lost men to whom they are going. These two brethren will be laboring day and night among those who see no other messenger of the Gospel. They live in the wagon and have many trials and tests of the flesh. They must combat with rain and mud and often face antagonism and indifference, but they are cheered by the hearty reception of the men for the most part. They are missionaries upon a great mision and go jyfully to their service. Remember these men in your prayers. REMEMBER BROTHER BLACK- STONE Good news reaches us from our be- loved brother, W. E. Blackstone, author of that wonderful booklet, "Jesus is Coming," which has been so signally owned for the last thirty years in awak- ening an interest in the doctrine of our Lord's return. Brother Blackstone is honored in being permitted to prepare and circulate millions of copies of portions of Scrip- ture and tracts among the Chinese. He is filling out a well-rounded life of devo- tion to Christ and crowning it all by this the greatest of all his loving service to the Lord and Master whom he loves and looks for. We covet for him physical ability to complete the task, and if it be the Lord's will and He tarry, the opportunity to return to this land with a heart-stirring message. Pray for him. OUR SCOFIELD CORRESPONDENCE —" GLASS e^juAM-^ The summer has been a harvest time in the placing of the Scofield Course. From Humboldt County on the North to San Diego on the South, good work has been done through the State. Since January first we have placed many courses. Among the number of students thus enrolled is a Minister and a Bible Teacher who will themselves have classes with the Course as the Text Book. We aim to push the work into Oregon and Washington as rapidly as possible. We know of no better service we can
union meetings in Orange, where they conducted services a year ago. All the pastors united in these meetings and large numbers of young people were reached. Mr. and Mrs. Chester White, Harry Hill and Oscar Zimmerman as- sisted at this place. Every house in the city was visited, a large number of cot- tage prayer meetings were held, and great good was accomplished. Numbers of the Fishermen's Club were able to be present at different times, rendering helpful service. THE CAN CLUB BIBLE CLASS was organized two years ago during the revival meetings that were held in Orange conducted by the Fishermen Boys of Los Angeles. Harry Hill has charge of the class and is a great bless- ing to all who attend. Great work has been accomplished by this consecrated young man. The class is well attended and much personal work done among the young people. The Fishermen Boys have just com- pleted a series of meetings during the last three weeks of August. Elliott H. Barrett, Harry J. Hill; Leslie Whit- comb as musical director. A goodly number of the Fishermen's Club assisted in the work. Many young people and some older ones confessed Christ as Saviour, while the Christians were strengthened. Preparatory prayer meetings were held at the churches, and prayer meet- ings in homes during meetings. Readers, will you pray for this class and its" leader that it may prosper in our Lord's work. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 2, 1912. Dear Mr. Horton: "The Lord reigneth." Just a word of farewell before I leave my native land in appreciation of your past kindness and Christian fellowship. I am stopping over Sunday at the home of the Africa Island Mission and expect to sail for S. A. (D. V.) on Sept. 3d. I earnestly desire the prayers of all the friends that I may be a true and humble .witness to testify of the grace of God in Christ Jesus, and that •having put my hand to the plow I may never "turn back." Wishing you every blessing in your abundant labors, I am most sincerely yours, LELA EASLEY. Note: Miss Easley was lately a mem- ber of company of "Bible Women." She is much beloved here and goes out to her new field with the Lord's devoted servant Geo. Fisher.
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