King's Business - 1912-10

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render the Church at large than the multiplying of Bible Students who through the use of the Course will be- come strong, helpful teachers and workers. THE BIBLE WOMEN Most of the "Bible Women abandoned their classes during August and took a much needed rest. The Fall work opened auspiciously wih the following additions to the force: Mrs. R. C. Lewis, graduate of our Institute and wife of our Superintendent of Shop work; Mrs. Elizabeth Bickford of the Moody School; Miss Anita W. Lake, Nyack School, New York; Miss Adeline Baker of Northfield, Mass.; Miss Amy Gordon of Occidental College appointed as Secertary at Normal School; and Miss Ru th Horton formerly in charge of the Book Room to work with the Lyceum- girls. This increases our force to eleven women and we wish that it might be twice t h at many. We shall have some interesting reports to make of this work. OUR NEW QUARTERS For our Fall and Winter work we have secured quarters in the Temple Audi- torium Building. • We wiirEave the en- tire basement for the Executive and Book Room, giving us ample space for the Monday and Tuesday night classes and a large commodious dining roon. and kitchen. Choral Hall on the second floor will be used for our day classés and for the Friday Night Popular Class. This move will give us larger facili- ties for our present work and bring '3 us within two blocks of our New Build- ing, now in course of construction. We are moving upward and onward to better things in a great work for our Lord and Master. THE SCOFIELD COURSE CLASSES A large number of classes have been formed by students who have purchased t he Scofield Course. Many of those who attend these classes will eventually buy the Course for themselves. In the mean- time they will be getting the great fun- damental t r u t hs of the Word. Others will become students in the Institute. It is a long step forward when young- people begin a definite and practical Course of Bible Study. OFF FOR CHINA Miss Helen Smith who graduated in 1911 sailed for China September 7th. She goes out under the Presbyterian.

Board and will be assigned to evangelis- tic work. Miss Smith has been a faithful per- sonal worker for a long time and we con- gratulate her upon the fulfillment of her long cherished desire to be a Missionary to the regions beyond. JAMISON'S DISPENSATIONAL CHARTS We cordially commend to our readers the dispensational charts designed by Mr. L. H. Jamison, Superintendent of our Spanish Mission. The chart is beau- tifully colored, has many new and in- teresting features and is well calculated to help the student understand the plan of God in the ages. See the advertise- ment in this issue for f u r t h er informa- tion. TRINITY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH We congratulate Mr. Earl Haney, the successful pastor of this church, and t he church itself in the answer to prayer for the removal of the mortgage debt. The church took a definite stand four years ago on a doctrinal statement of belief and has held faithfully to it. Through much trial and disciplne it has come to its own, and we prophecy for it a splen- did future. Mr. Haney was a student in the school during 1910-11 after his graduation from Occidental College and has made good both as a preacher and pastor. THE NEW BUILDING b r ^ Work is progressing rapidly upon th - building. Some conception of the work which had to be done can be had when we know t h at upwards of 40,000 square yards of dirt had to be removed to make a place for the foundation. Although we are going to press before the School opens, we have assurance of a large number of new students for the opening session. Correspondence con- cerning the School reaches to the lands beyond the seas and we predict a con- stant accession during the Wi n t er months. The King's Business will publish from time to time during the current year select addresses from the Late Montrose Conference. Copies will be mailed to each subscriber to the Montrose work. In almost every letter from students of the Scofield Correspondence Course enthusiastic and grateful acknowledg- ments are expressed.






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